Cleaning and restoring kettles

Get a big water heater drip pan, soapy water and let it soak for a day. I would not go for absolute perfection on the inside of the lid, it’s going to get funky in a matter of a few cooks, get it nice and start making it dirty again!
I use the pan and dish soap for grate cleaning and have let my smoker lid take a turn in it when it starts getting really troublesome. Usually, it’s not an issue but, there are times when Ive gone to lift the lid and the whole thing is glued together! Makes for interesting conversation!
My grills live exposed to the elements mostly, when I want The clean and pretty for guests to ogle I will use Windex and 4x0 steel wool and follow that with Windex and paper towel, easy, cheap and pretty quick.
Get a big water heater drip pan, soapy water and let it soak for a day. I would not go for absolute perfection on the inside of the lid, it’s going to get funky in a matter of a few cooks, get it nice and start making it dirty again!
I use the pan and dish soap for grate cleaning and have let my smoker lid take a turn in it when it starts getting really troublesome. Usually, it’s not an issue but, there are times when Ive gone to lift the lid and the whole thing is glued together! Makes for interesting conversation!
My grills live exposed to the elements mostly, when I want The clean and pretty for guests to ogle I will use Windex and 4x0 steel wool and follow that with Windex and paper towel, easy, cheap and pretty quick.
Thanks so much for answering :)

I know I'm crazy and it's totally unnecessary..
I've just got my mind set on bringing them back to spotless..
Little bit of OCD I think haha. Thanks to my ADHD medication I'm finally able to focus entirely on a task without losing interest or wondering off distracted by something else.
Just so happens to be that I've gotten myself hooked and intently focused on these Webers 😆
First project I've taken on in years with the ability to complete it...
I'm totally fine with the existing faults.. ie: dents, scratches and chipped enamel..
I'm going to treat the rust obviously.. but any mark that can come off... I want off! Haha
And as easily and quickly as possible at that!! 🤪 I've got more webers to move onto! 😅😅
For what it's worth, the active ingredient of interest in Simple Green is tetrapotassium pyrophosphate. If there's another local product available with that in it, that's what you're looking out for.
Cool! I'll take it up with the hardware guy :D

I'm also looking at joining up at this reqlly cool place i just heard about called Hacker Space Brisbane
I think it will be the ideal place for me to learn how to make my own wooden weber handles 😏

--"HSBNE Inc. is Brisbane"s largest community workshop and maker collective. We facilitate an amazing community and workshop to enable anyone to build amazing things (or learn how to!).
We have people interested in:
Digital Fabrication
Cosplay and crafting
And much more.."
Thanks so much for answering :)

I know I'm crazy and it's totally unnecessary..
I've just got my mind set on bringing them back to spotless..
Little bit of OCD I think haha. Thanks to my ADHD medication I'm finally able to focus entirely on a task without losing interest or wondering off distracted by something else.
Just so happens to be that I've gotten myself hooked and intently focused on these Webers 😆
First project I've taken on in years with the ability to complete it...
I'm totally fine with the existing faults.. ie: dents, scratches and chipped enamel..
I'm going to treat the rust obviously.. but any mark that can come off... I want off! Haha
And as easily and quickly as possible at that!! 🤪 I've got more webers to move onto! 😅😅
Well, I think I can say that you have gotten a serious case of Weberitis! There is NO cure, it may go into remission but, it will never be cured.
The last one I did was a performer for a friend of mine. I sprayed it down with this

Let it sit a bit then used the razor blade to scrape off the heavy stuff. IMO worked better than the simple green but after scraping off the heavy stuff I think I rinsed then sprayed with simple green and used 0000 steel wool till I got it clean enough.

You could keep using the Sams stuff also, wear gloves but I did not that stuff does not seem to bother me others it does. I don't wear gloves when using the simple green either.
I can attest that on skin not as tough as hands, that Sam's stuff can really do a number on you! At least 3 years ago, I was cleaning parts with it and splashed a lot of water and Sams stuff on my jeans. I was preoccupied cleaning, and I didn't think much about it as my legs above my knees were stinging. Later, I discovered serious burn type injuries. It has taken all this time for them to heal on one side, and on the other, where the burn was deeper, I still have scars.:cry:

I still use the Sam's cleaner, but I try to be more careful. I say this to remind myself as well: use gloves AND eye protection! If stuff splashes on you, get it rinsed off right away.
I’m not wild about Bells beer, it’s a personal thing. But, now it’s owned by Kirin anyway. Larry has done a lot for the city but, I just don’t care for the beer that much. Two hearted is pretty good but, I don’t buy much of it.
Kalamazoo is an interesting place, sometimes it becomes a little frustrating but, I’ve been here a long time and not planning on moving.
I’m not wild about Bells beer, it’s a personal thing. But, now it’s owned by Kirin anyway. Larry has done a lot for the city but, I just don’t care for the beer that much. Two hearted is pretty good but, I don’t buy much of it.
Kalamazoo is an interesting place, sometimes it becomes a little frustrating but, I’ve been here a long time and not planning on moving.
I'm from Australia so I have no idea who Larry is 😜
Thank you! It was going out on a limb painting those. I bought those wood handles and vent tabs and then couldn’t live with the idea of the tables bring plastic gray. It was my amateur attempt at faux finishing to try to make that wood grain look.
Jon, you remind me of a friend of long standing, he is probably one of the finest craftsmen I will ever know, he is like you in the “Aw, Shucks” category! You are very talented in what you do and humble about it. You’re one of the good guys!
Yes, the outside of that Platinum One Touch has a fair amount of “Weber fade” while the inside is still jet black.

