Chuck brisket burgers

i actually keep them near the vent in the fridge which gets its cold air from the freezer. usually at the to left or bottom left of the fridge. that's my secret storage location. makes for coldest beer ever.

Time and temp? :D
Time and temp? :D
these are perpetually kept in the garage fridge (drinks and costco overflow fridge). i buy the 15 pack of coors lights in 1 pint aluminum bottles and keep 5-6 in the fridge at all times and near the vent. so there's no specific time period, but the temp that's coming from the freezer is ZERO degrees as it blows/shares from the freezer into the fridge.

when you crack open the bottle, that first sip has ice crystals you can feel on your tongue. the only other way i can get that is these beers in iced water with a lot of ice and at the bottom of the cooler. there's nothing like a crisp, cold beer. and im a sucker for coors lights.

i do enjoy other beers too, but a CL is my goto.
Was in the mood for a really good burger. So I ground my own.
The only way to fly!

Served with fries, Greek salad and evoo balsamic Brussels.
Smart move, loading up everybody else with veggies to leave more beef for you.;)

The title of your thread has given me the inspiration for my next (ok, my first) book: "Chuck Brisket, Barbecue Detective"!:)
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