
Isn't the forest preserve about a 15-20 minute walk from your house?
No maybe a little further but it's along Perryville Rd. No way in hell I'm waling on it LOL. People are nuts out there. Hell, even here in the subdivision I find myself screaming at the idiots blowing through here at high speeds. Heck, last fall I was walking around with Blake and some fool comes flying off Gnarl Tree on to Haymaker, comes completely across the street right at us, I pushed him onto the lawn of the home we were in front of and jumped (well as much as an old fat guy can jump), he proceeds to come up on the lawn and nearly knocked over the mail box of that house and proceeds down Wheatland Terrace. Nothing is safe.

Had one in the garden this morning. Not sure if he was planning on the 800 mile trip to your house or not, but he looked like he was headed in that general direction, so I took him out. You're welcome.

No maybe a little further but it's along Perryville Rd. No way in hell I'm waling on it LOL. People are nuts out there. Hell, even here in the subdivision I find myself screaming at the idiots blowing through here at high speeds. Heck, last fall I was walking around with Blake and some fool comes flying off Gnarl Tree on to Haymaker, comes completely across the street right at us, I pushed him onto the lawn of the home we were in front of and jumped (well as much as an old fat guy can jump), he proceeds to come up on the lawn and nearly knocked over the mail box of that house and proceeds down Wheatland Terrace. Nothing is safe.
But you're from Chicago, so aren't drivers like this Business As Usual?;)
But you're from Chicago, so aren't drivers like this Business As Usual?;)
No actually they really were for some of the family I grew up with though. I always wondered why my one uncle had a new Caddy or Lincoln like every 2 weeks or so. Much later in life my mother explained the "connection".

