Chimney Sirloins.

That's just how I like my steak. I'm waiting on my grillgrates, hope I get something close like that when I cook. Regardless thanks for the post, I now have their website bookmarked.... The hinge is tempting as well.
Great looking steak, Tony. Did the Unknown Chimney Griller give you those nice diamond cross hatch sear marks? Hard to tell from the angle of the plated shot.
It certainly did T Mac. Looked really nice. [I only have a cheapo camera, so my photography is rudimentary at best].
Brian Dahl said:
I wonder if a heavy duty expanded metal mesh would work, I got some of that…

I don't see why not.

Many larger grill/smoker combos use that type of metal for a cooking surface.

I don't see why not. Make sure it's not galvanised mesh Brian. [Galvy poisoning is not fun. The fumes given off when the galvanise it burned off gives flu like symptoms. I've had it….horrible].

After fashioning your chimney griller, I would make sure it's free from rust before cooking on it. You could fill up a chimney and burn/brush the rust off doing a hot dry-run.
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ChuckO & Robert T. A few pics of my wee Q/Garden area as requested. :)

Q area, and grills and accessory storage shack.

Outside wash house, which has a spare washing maching/dryer/freezer and two huge sinks. [Handy for filling with ice & storing beer].

View from my back door. The grass looks very poor this time of year. I had to cut it the other day. Had the mower on the largest setting so I wasn't wandering through mud as the grass is still damp. No more mowing till Spring. :D
ChuckO. Built in 1901. Behind that wall is a 10' wide wee stream, nice background noise, but turns into a torrent when it rains up on the hills.
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I love your place Tony. Its very handsome with the Rock structures and green foliage. I imagine it's very beautiful in the spring. Thanks for sharing.
That is so cool Tony. Storybook living my friend - Congrats on being done mowing the lawn. I had most of 2015 off from mowing, had to let the lawns die due to the drought, LOL
Tony that was one fantastic looking meal and done just right. Congrats on that cook for sure.
Thanks for sharing, Tony!

I love European architecture.

I live in old construction, too, but not nowhere near as charming as yours.

