Chilly Day PSB


Robert T

Not your typical day for August in Montana. Haven't made pepper stout beef for a long time so I thought it was a perfect day to have it.

Seasoned the chuck roast with Montreal Steak Seasnoning

Put the meat on the grill. Cooked at 250-275 until temp was 165. I wish you could smell the sweet smoke of the cherry wood I used.

Preparing the ingredients.

About three and a half hours later the temp read 165. Time to foil!

Put the meat on top of the onions and peppers. Cranked open the vents, added some charcoal and let it fly.


After about three and a half hours shredded the beef and put it back on to cook further. Started some potatoes on the other grill.

Taken off the grill

Put on a hoagie roll with cheese and plated.


Kind of a weak plated shot. The sandwiches were wonderful. Thanks for looking! Have a great week.
It looks really tasty from here!
I'm really interested in pepper stout beef and I need to understand how long does it stay in foil? Do you say 3.5 hours in foil? Or that is total cooking time?
It looks really tasty from here!
I'm really interested in pepper stout beef and I need to understand how long does it stay in foil? Do you say 3.5 hours in foil? Or that is total cooking time?

Enrico it took about 3 hours outside the foil to get up to 165 degrees then another 3 1/2 hours foiled to get to shredding temperature. And then another hour after shredding, no foil.
Well done Robert that's a perfect example of PSB! They are easy to do but time consuming and you took your time and got it right!
Robert not to repeat what Rich said, but that is one amazing piece of meat your sammies turn out great. Oh you can pass a plate anytime this way!
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Very nice looking PSB, Robert! I would take a chilly Montana day over the brutal Louisiana heat any day.

