Chicken Breast Recipes

If only needing to cook one grates worth of split chicken breasts, try ditching the pan altogether and going with the Roadside Chicken recipe, posted in the poultry recipes.

Otherwise, I'd mix up a good white sauce to serve after smoking 'em conventionally, 250-275*. My preference there is to go with a two hour dry brine like Jamie Purvience (Weber cookbooks) teaches, then nothing but black pepper, and oil or butter. It's very simple, but oh so good if you know how to get clean smoke.

I save boneless/skinless for the grill or the oven.
Love the Roadside Chicken (take the time to marinate overnight) but find it works better on a hot grill watched closely. By far my favourite summer chicken.
Here's an easy way to eat smoked lean chicken for two weeks. Buy the big bag of boneless, skinless chicken breasts from a warehouse like Costco. Pour a full chamber of lit charcoal in the WSM. No water, but foil the water pan. Put on the frozen chicken breasts, and sprinkle liberally with BRITU rub (for recipe search this forum). Pull 'em in about an hour or two, whenever they're done. No thawing and no fuss. Makes great sandwiches, and you can use the meat for quesadillas, enchiladas, tacos, burritos, salads, spaghetti. Hell, you could put it in jello and it would taste good. Sometimes I'll eat an apple, a smoked chicken breast, and a slice of cheese for dinner. Yum.

