Chicago Style Hot Dogs


Peter Gallagher

Being a transplanted Chicagoan, I miss a lot of the foods from my hometown - Right on top of that list would be the humble hot dog. There really is nothing better than a Chicago hotdog - Along with James, it was my birthday this weekend - While James was feasting on lobster tails and steaks, I was kicking it with some Vienna hot dogs! (Actually, this was lunch Saturday)


Spring has officially arrived. We spotted the first hummingbird of the season and quickly got the feeder out .....but back to lunch.....


My sister and brother in law, bless their souls, sent out some supplies from the homeland. Real poppy seed buns, the Vienna's, and of course, day-glow relish. I actually mail order the sport peppers - I like having those in stock...


The traditional action shot. Did them on the gasser - Some may argue that a Chicago dog should be boiled or steamed - They would win that argument. I just can't do that.


Behold, a vision of beauty!


A great weekend in the Pacific Northwest!
Those dogs look nice. Is the Chicago hot dog traditionally a beef dog or the regular ones? Not familiar with Vienna dogs.
The poppy seed bun is different too. I like that idea. How come you can't boil a hot dog? We do that a lot.;)
Sure looks good! A cafe here in town used to sell Chicago dogs, and they're absolutely the best thing to do with a good frank. I sure wish the ingredients were easier to find 'round here. Happy Birthday, Peter!
Happy B'day Peter!
Great looking Chi-town dogs!
They've started selling the neon relish, and sport peppers in the StL area. (for when Cubs fans visit I guess)
maybe I'll try to replicate.
Well....happy birthday my friend. I also love Chicago dogs and I've had a Chi-dog in Chi-town, and that is the best darn Chicago dog that I have seen. That is one good looking PNW-dog also. I wish you another year of great grilling.
Happy Bday! Great looking Chicago dogs! Whenever we are in Chi-town we make it a point to stop
at Hot Dougs for a dog or sausage, and some duck fat fries.
Way to represent, Peter. Very nicely done.
Don't worry about the boiled/grilled issue - at most dog joints you can ask for 'char dogs' and they'll throw them on the griddle. That's what I always ask for, although there is nothing wrong with boiled dogs either.

Happy Birthday!
Never had Chicago dogs (or even been outside O'Hare), but those are a thing of beauty! Love all the ingredients.

