Charcoal Management

Rusty. I always fill up the charcoal ring to the max on every cook. If you can mitigate having to add more coals during the cook, then that's a good thing. I can actually put two more layers on top, coz I don't use the water pan. Just a terracotta pizza serving dish. This also gives easy access to the charcoal ring if you have to add any more fuel. [I'll find the pic and put it up].


Is there such a thing for the 18.5" model?

Sounds like something that I would want to use.
Rusty. I'm sure you could find one by doing a Google. I think 14.5" would be good for the 18.5" WSM. Buy one that is unglazed.

You might be able to find one here.

Thanks much, Tony.

Come to think of it, in my state, there is a big interest in pottery making. Local artists & such make and sell the stuff by the mother-lode. I may ask around and see if I can get one custom made to fit my smoker. I'll post back if I do.
What about the bottom of a flower pot? (the part that holds the pot itself)

Some stores have a large selection of these (unglazed), but there may be a hole in the bottom.

I'm guessing you mean the saucer type deal that the flower pot sits on? I see no reason why that wouldn't work. Hole in the bottom is no big deal, just foil the whole thing for easy clean up.

Edit: I would think a 14.5" pizza stone would be just as good too.
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