Central jersey here


John McIntyre

New member
hey yall john from central jersey here. medically retired Air Force C-130 mechanic of 10 years service and would have gone 30 if i could have. Got a new 22 WSM and a 22 kettle that's the better part of 20 years old. upgraded WSM right out the box with the Cajun Bandit door, new legs, clamps and wheels, and also lavalock gasketed door and lid sections. got a "cheater" IQ110 also. did a whole bag burn in, emptied coal pit then smoked 1.5 lbs. of bacon on each grate with applewood and mesquite to season the smoker, check for air leaks, and test temp controlling without the cheater. I was very surprised at the natural (all vents open) temperature hold was 325F at the lid dial. granted, no wind with ambient temp 80F, in a semi enclosed area so temp control might be harder on windy days or colder/warmer days. found a small air leak in lid but the seasoning process sealed it up by the time the bacon was done. probably doing so st louis style ribs tomorrow and planning on doing a 12lbs pork belly sometime this week for pork belly burnt ends.
Hi John, welcome to the forum. We need more folks from NJ in the house, I live in South Jersey. We have got some nice weather for cooking this weekend!
Hi John, I’m originally from Central NJ. For the last 27 years I’ve lived just across the Delaware river in PA
Welcome, John. Any chance you'd consider petitioning The Overlord to change your screen name to "Trapper John McIntyre"?

Frankly, I'm surprised that no one made that reference until now...the Old Farts here must be slipping. ;)

And aren't you Jersey guys supposed to mention an exit or something?;)
Welcome from NAZ, and Thank you for your service C-130's a great machine in worked AC-130's in Ubon Thailand in 74. Now we do real like photos of cooks and how to's so we can learn.
Welcome, John. Any chance you'd consider petitioning The Overlord to change your screen name to "Trapper John McIntyre"?

Frankly, I'm surprised that no one made that reference until now...the Old Farts here must be slipping. ;)

And aren't you Jersey guys supposed to mention an exit or something?;)

