can the 18.5 handle a full rack of ribs?



TVWBB Member
HI: I am still on the fence with purchasing an 18 or 22. Can I put a full rack of ribs flat on the grate on the 18 without cutting the rack? If I cut the rack let's say in half, would that affect cooking time and tenderness?? thanks…so far this forum is amazing and I am learning ALOT!!
A full rack works in an 18. I do it all the time. Just curl it and insert wood skewers to hold the curl. Make sure no meat touches itself when curled otherwise it'll be soft with no bark.
It pretty much stays curled. I serve the ribs in pieces.


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Or cut the rack in half and use rib racks. I do it all the time I cook ribs. Would prefer to lay flat but the WSM 18 is what it is.
You can lay a rack flat on a 18" but the ends are at the edge of the grate and they get really dry. If you put three racks on an 18", one goes down the middle and the two on the outer edges have to curve and the grate is basically filled with meat. Again, the meat around the outer edges of the grate gets too dry. I've done this one time and did not like the results. I use to cut the racks in half and use a rib rack, but that means I have to clean a rib rack - not fun. The results were good but I'm adverse to additional cleaning work. So now I roll them as shown above and I really like it. No additional clean up. Just throw the skewers away. Works great. Bottom line is that if you want to lay ribs flat, you're going to have to get the 22" in my opinion.
thank you all I just saw the 22 in person and that is the one for me since I do not want to curl up the ribs…thank you all for your responses…just one more question…can I use an 18 inch charcoal ring in the 22 so as not to use as many coals if I am smoking 2 racks of ribs?
thans so much Chris…This forum is fantastic I have learned so much recently, my wife thinks I am a bit too in to it but I feel obsessed!!!
Ha - I've got the same problem with my wife Neil !

I've got an 18.5 and I split my racks all the time and don't notice any issues at all. I can fit 20+ lbs on using both grates after splitting them. I've left them whole, and agree with all the other guys about the ends getting dry when they hang over the edge.

