Can I count this as part of my Kettle collection?


Jerome D.

TVWBB All-Star
I got this toy Weber Kettle for my 4 year old daughter, but it's so nice I almost want to keep it for myself!

To give a sense of how tiny this thing actually is, it makes my 14.5" WSM look huge by comparison. The lid has the new style handle and the damper actually opens and closes. Included is a set of battery-powered charcoal that glows and makes sizzling sounds. Even the One-Touch ash catcher looks hilariously authentic. Most importantly, this allows my kid to cook the best tasting plastic T-bone that Dad has ever tried :p!
How cool is that! Of course it counts as part of your collection it's a Weber, right. Jerome get another one for you. Then you and your daughter can grill plastic T-bones together;)

