Camping Bird


John Sp

TVWBB All-Star
Hello All,

Over the weekend my family went home to our Alma Mater, La Tech University in Ruston, LA. I say our Alma Mater because my wife and I both attended there, my oldest son graduated last year and number two is currently enrolled. We went to catch a football game and see the LA Tech Band of Pride play (number two is an euphonium player in the BoP). Also they were having a high school/Jr. High School day so sons three through five also got to play with the BoP. Anyway we rolled in around 4:00 PM on Friday and set up camp (we decided to camp because the weather was awesome and we wanted to save some $). Anyway I had decided to do a high heat smoke on some bird legs and thighs in the WhoDat mini. This was a basic cook but it turned out great. I posted some pics below:

Start of Cook - Legs on Top, Thighs in Middle Rack - Dusted with Benoits

WhoDat Mini Smoking Away - Hickory - Running about 325 Now - No Water in Diffuser

Mid Cook - Nice Smoke - Around 360 Now

Sauced with Five Plus Near the End

Plated with Camp BEPs, and Mixed Greens (How Southern can you get?)

Family Waiting For Dinner

This turned out great. I was almost pleased with the skin but it still needs more work (not crisp enough). I lost the diffuser in the middle of the cook and had to run without it so the bird got a bit 'sooty' but it was nothing a little five sauce didn't fix. The combo of greens and Black Eyed Peas (BEPs) made a perfect camping plate. The weekend was near perfect too. The La Tech Bulldogs whooped up on the UTEP Miners, the band was sounding great, and almost all of my boys got to play together for the first time. Thanks for looking...


That is just awesome!!!! You don't want to know how many times I've camped and never eaten that good :). The mini is must have for camping! Sigh, another one added to the bucket list...
Great camp cook John! That's what I built my Mini for also. We went to Ruston for our Nephews graduation from La Tech in '09 or '10, really liked that area.
Great idea camping. Good think you can pack the mini with chicken to feed all those boys and girls :)

