Buying Used???



Hi all, I currently have a BBQ GrillWare gas grill (no longer in business) and a Weber kettle charcoal grill, and the gas grill is about dead. I don't really have the money for a new Weber right now, so I'm looking at other brands (which all seem to be quite inferior), or else I'm considering going used. Looking at used models, I have found a Spirit E-310 Home Depot version that is 1 year old, used 3 times, and looks to be spotless in the photos for $300. I have also found a few older side burner models for $200-250, or a Summit Gold for $350. My understanding is that replacement parts for the Summit Gold are pretty expensive compared to Genesis/Spirit models so I have kind of ruled that one out even though it appears to be significantly more grill for a bit more $$$ (I'd also have to convert that one to LP from NG).

So, between a nearly-new Spirit and an older side control model, which one would you diehards recommend? I would like to have not less than 400 sq. in. of primary cooking area too for when I do wings, if that influences things at all (I'm not sure the cooking area on the older 3-burner models).

Fist off. If you find you'll need to do a conversion it is FAR easier to go from LP to NG IMO. But once you do it you cannot really go back to LP so that decision must be made with great care.
As for the models I'd steer clear of earlier Summits. Not because they're bad grills (especially the older 450/650 ones). On the contrary they're really nice. Just that like much of anything older Weber has decided not to support them (even abandoning them while they were in warranty). And they have a design drawback. Because the fire box is sheet metal not a casting it rusts though.
The Genesis line however is easier to find and cheaper to maintain. Frankly I am partial to the old original style Genesis finding it superior to the newer style with the shallow one row fire box or the newest style with burners arranged from left to right. IMO the old style ones five you the best of being able to do outstanding rotisserie and very good direct/indirect grilling with very good control.
Another brand to look in to is the BroilMaster (not to be confused with BroilMate). The BroilMaster products are built like tanks but just not quite as versatile as the Weber. Though you can do quite a lot with them. If you want to buy something "new" check out products from Onward Mfg. some very good products at very good prices there. For $400 you can get a very nice 4 burner, with side burner and rear rotisserie burner. Well built in the USA and well backed.
So there ya go
8 of my 9 of my grills I got off of Craig's List. My Weber gassers are a 1999 LX1000 I bought new, if you look around on the forum you will see a lot of these Genesis 1000-3000 being restored as they are an inexpensive grill, easy to get parts for and very rugged and also great cookers. As a matter of fact this afternoon we are going to check out a Genesis 3000 in nice condition for $50 as a spring project. My other is a 2009 E320 which is basically a slightly bigger version of the 1000 with an enclosed cabinet. Mine is an earlier version with the e/w burners which I'm used to because of the LX1000 I paid less than $200 for one in mint condition it's a great grill also.
On the Summits be on the look out for rust, a real problem in damp climates. Also like you said parts can be expensive and hard to find.
I may be wrong but I think the Genesis are made in the USA and the Spirits in China if that makes a difference to you.
Just be patient and you will find a nice Weber for a good price if you look around.
Good Luck
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8 of my 9 of my grills I got off of Craig's List. My Weber gassers are a 1999 LX1000 I bought new, if you look around on the forum you will see a lot of these Genesis 1000-3000 being restored as they are an expensive grill, easy to get parts for and very rugged and also great cookers. As a matter of fact this afternoon we are going to check out a Genesis 3000 in nice condition for $50 as a spring project. My other is a 2009 E320 which is basically a slightly bigger version of the 1000 with an enclosed cabinet. Mine is an earlier version with the e/w burners which I'm used to because of the LX1000 I paid less than $200 for one in mint condition it's a great grill also.
On the Summits be on the look out for rust, a real problem in damp climates. Also like you said parts can be expensive and hard to find.
I may be wrong but I think the Genesis are made in the USA and the Spirits in China if that makes a difference to you.
Just be patient and you will find a nice Weber for a good price if you look around.
Good Luck

When looking at the older Webers with side controls, is there an easy way to tell what model it is? Like this one for example:



I've seen several others that look very similar (the same?) to this one that are labeled as "Genesis". Is there a way to tell? I might go check this one out, but I'd like to have a better idea what I'd be looking at/for first...
HI SteveD,
LMichaels and Rich D are giving you some good advice. I would start by trying to find a earlier series 1000-5000 Genesis- east-west 3 burner, with the deeper firebox (check for two rows/levels of flavorizer bars). Easy to work on, great retro look, parts pretty much available. The cast aluminium fireboxes need to checked they have not had fat fire in them(can melt them a bit),try and find one with the SS flavorizer bars- they last a lot longer, and the frames usually have a bit of rust, check that, but are easy to work on.
Converting from NG/LP or LP/NG is not really as easy as you would think. The gas valves are a two stage design, and are different for the two gas types. Just changing the jets can cause problems running at the lower settings. There are enough ones around of both types- get the gas type you need rather than convert.

As Rich advised "Just be patient and you will find a nice Weber for a good price if you look around."
When looking at the older Webers with side controls, is there an easy way to tell what model it is? Like this one for example:



I've seen several others that look very similar (the same?) to this one that are labeled as "Genesis". Is there a way to tell? I might go check this one out, but I'd like to have a better idea what I'd be looking at/for first...

This particular one is one with a single row of flavorizer bars, so it is a slightly newer model than the 1000-5000 Genesis which has the deeper firebox. The slightly older models tend to have wooden or plastic slat side tables, and a wooden handle on the lid.

Probably a Genesis 'Silver'- will have 'Silver' on the handle.

Those flavorizer bars do not look Stainless Steel, rather the porcelain coated steel ones that tend to rot a lot faster.

Still a good machine to cook on!
Excellent, thanks! Right now, I am basically on the fence between either finding a newer Spirit E-320 in good shape, or else considering an older 3-burner with the sideways burners. It looks like they can typically be found for around $200-250, I just have to wait until one comes up for sale close enough to me. The one I posted above is listed for $250.

What is the difference between the various models (i.e. 1000-5000) and how will I know which model I am looking at if I come across one of those older models?
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Excellent, thanks! Right now, I am basically on the fence between either finding a newer Spirit E-320 in good shape, or else considering an older 3-burner with the sideways burners. It looks like they can typically be found for around $200-250, I just have to wait until one comes up for sale close enough to me. The one I posted above is listed for $250.

What is the difference between the various models (i.e. 1000-5000) and how will I know which model I am looking at if I come across one of those older models?

The genesis 1000 to 3000 all have the same cookbox. The difference is just in accessories like a side burner.

IMO you are on the right track buying a used Weber. An older genesis is a somewhat better grill than a newer spirit. But it would likely be more work to restore. But either is a much superior choice than buying a new disposable grill.

I hear the broil kings are nice too. However would they support they support their grills decades later like weber does? I would stick with a weber.
Genesis 1-5000 have the deeper cookbox and 2 rows of flavorizer bars as mentioned.
Genesis Silver A has a shallower cookbox with 1 row of flavorizer bars. Also only has 2 burners.
Genesis Silver/Gold B also has a shallower cookbox with 1 row of flavorizer bars, but has 3 burners.
Genesis Silver/Gold C is same as above but has a sideburner.
For all 3 above, Silver denoted enameled (colored) lid. Gold has stainless steel lid. Gold usually also has an additional flip up shelf.

The one you posted a picture of, that's either a Genesis Silver A or a Silver B. hard to tell whether it has 2 or 3 burners.

As to the Summit, I'd slightly disagree with LMichaels. It all depends on condition. IF you find an older Summit in very good shape for a nice price, there's little reason to stay away from it. We aren't talking about plunking down $2000 for a grill. If you get a 4 or 6 burner Summit and get 8-10 years out of it for a couple of hundred, that's a win in my book. With regards to the higher prices for parts, that was said as a warning so that you make sure to double check AND that you factor that in when making a decision on a specific grill.

BTW, the prices of all the grills you mentioned above are kind of high unless they are in mint condition.
Wow, thanks for the great info guys! I was tempted toward a Spirit 3-burner with side controls for $225, but it sounds like that is definitely more than the grill is worth. I'll just keep waiting for a nice, older Genesis to come up locally.

Regarding all of the grills I've posted being overpriced: I'm not necessarily arguing, but so far all of the ones I've seen get posted have been in the $200-250 price range. Hopefully if I keep my eyes open I'll see some better deals start to pop up. I do have my eye on 1 for $75 with what the ad describes as a solid body, but in need of new guts... Trying to get a bit more information on specifics on that one (I think it is at least a 3000 model since it has a side burner)...
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Wow, thanks for the great info guys! I was tempted toward a Spirit 3-burner with side controls for $225, but it sounds like that is definitely more than the grill is worth. I'll just keep waiting for a nice, older Genesis to come up locally.

Regarding all of the grills I've posted being overpriced: I'm not necessarily arguing, but so far all of the ones I've seen get posted have been in the $200-250 price range. Hopefully if I keep my eyes open I'll see some better deals start to pop up. I do have my eye on 1 for $75 with what the ad describes as a solid body, but in need of new guts... Trying to get a bit more information on specifics on that one (I think it is at least a 3000 model since it has a side burner)...

Steve, yesterday I picked up a 1996 Genesis 3000 for S40.00 off Craig's List. Except for missing the flip up side table it's in mint condition. Burners, flavorizer bars, grates are perfect. no rust on the chassis. firebox is perfect, lid is great, even the durawood is in great condition. One of the casters is a little stiff and the main igniter is on it's last legs so I'll replace those. Maybe look for a used flip up table and a little paint and elbow grease and it will look like new. I'll be well south of a hundred bucks total when I'm done.
Take your time there out there.
I started to disassemble it before I realized I hadn't taken any pictures



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Hey there Steve

As you seem to be realizing - A decent used Weber gasser, even if you need to spend some money on replacement parts, is often a MUCH better buy than almost any cheaper New model from most other manufacturers.

Some of the older Spirits like I have have essentially the same firebox, burners, and controls as the Genesis models - they just had a simpler cart and cheaper grates. (Like others have said - watch out for the ones with the Steel lower housings.) Mine originally had porcelain coated, stamped steel grates and flavorizer bars. I paid a C-note for it at an estate sale and used the original grates and bars until they rusted out after about two years of frequent use, then replaced them with high-grade Stainless steel. About 5 years later I have about $350 shoved into it for original purchase and new grates/bars and it still lights on the first click of the igniter. I expect to get many more years of use out of it. I do not think that I could have been happier with a brand-new unit, as the "newness" would've worn off by now and I would have been out CONSIDERABLY more moolah...

GO FOR IT! If you make a solid pick, I am confident that you won't be disappointed.
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Thanks again for all of the input guys! What do you think about this one for $65?








From what I can tell it could use some new control knobs (cosmetic) and the frame could use a good painting, but otherwise appears to be in good shape. There aren't any good photos of the flavorizer bars or burners/inside of the box, but based on what's visible on the outside I suspect they're not bad. It is a bit far from me - 1.5 hours - but I think I'm starting to get a better feel for the kinds of deals that can be available... If this one was closer, would you jump at it for $65?
Thanks again for all of the input guys! What do you think about this one for $65?








From what I can tell it could use some new control knobs (cosmetic) and the frame could use a good painting, but otherwise appears to be in good shape. There aren't any good photos of the flavorizer bars or burners/inside of the box, but based on what's visible on the outside I suspect they're not bad. It is a bit far from me - 1.5 hours - but I think I'm starting to get a better feel for the kinds of deals that can be available... If this one was closer, would you jump at it for $65?

DO NOT PASS GO DO NOT COLLECT $200 CALL & get that grill!
In my area I looked for 2 years to fine a rehabable red Genesis 1000
From what I can see that redhead would be a fine choice. It might be worth the drive to snag it?
On the plus side, though, a Genesis 1000 just listed a bit closer to me for free. The guy says it hasn't been used in 5 years, but it looks decent.



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I'd get both of them, Make on good one out of the two and offer up any left over parts to the forum, always someone looking for parts on here, me included.

