Buying Used???

Buy it NOW. I drove over an hour and had to tow a trailer with my truck (work truck no way to haul anything) to get my Genesis 1000 Redhead. The picture that you posted also shows the tank. That is a $25 to $35 savings right there. Once our redhead was rehabbed, it is my wifes go to grill and we all love the results. That looks like a great purchase at a good price. Go forth and enjoy the experience. Good Luck and post the rehab. We are all here to answer questions and help in any way possible.
There are always deals to be had on CL, but it can take some patience. I bought an NG '98 platinum w/ durawood side tables and under shelf, and a side burner for $10. I turned around and sold it for $150 when I found my 2011 S-330 NG for $350. I then was able to get the island cabinets later for another $130. I'm into the grill for $340 total, but this took me YEARS to pull off. 14.58.11.jpg?dl=0
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I ended up picking up a Genesis A-310 (according to the guy I bought it off, but I can't find any information on that model anywhere...) for $375. 2 years old. Not a spot of rust on it anywhere.

I ended up picking up a Genesis A-310 (according to the guy I bought it off, but I can't find any information on that model anywhere...) for $375. 2 years old. Not a spot of rust on it anywhere.


Nice pickup. Looks to be a E-320. If you look around inside the cabinet, you should find a sticker that has the model# and serial#. With those, you can find the exact model of the grill as well as the model year it was produced.

