Butts came out great but NOW WHAT?

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Denny Kyser

New member
Well my first cook in the WSM was great, with the cold temps 2 6.5 lb butts took 16 hours but came out great.

We ate some for lunch today (Sun), but now how to you put it up. If I am going to be eating more Wed do I freeze that or just refridherate it. The rest I will need to freeze, how do you freeze it.

I do have a Food Saver Sealer.

Thanks for all your help.

Most folks on the board recommend using the foodsaver to prepare for freezing. With the foodsaver, you can rewarm it in boiling water; there is at least one thread that is fairly current on this subject

Personally, most of the time we just stick it into ziplock bags and freeze it; it does not stay in the freezer long. I then use the defrost setting on the nuker to thaw and reheat. Since we soak it in a vinegar based sauce, the moisture issue has not been a problem here.

As far as Wednesday, just refrigerate it.
Congats Denny! It's too easy , isn't it? I make up a few dinner size freezer bags and one refer bag for those after work snacks
. Come to think of it, I could use a sammy right now!
Thanks again everyone, I already have a couple Christmas request. I am telling you up here in NW Pennsylvania, they dont even know what a boston butt is.

My wife went to Sams Monday and asked for 2 boston butts, they said they were out, She even explained it was for pulled pork, again they said they dont carry them. Thursday I went and asked for a crayovac of 2 pork shoulders and the same guy went and got them for me.
It should be good for 3-4 days in the fridge. I like to freeze about half and save it for Anaheim Pork Chile.
I also freeze some apple juice in ice cube trays and put a couple of cubes in each food saver bag before I seal it. It helps keep everything moist and delicious when I boil it to reheat. (I've tried freeze some carolina red sauce once in the icecube trays but it didn't freeze solid.)
I just did the foodsaver thing. I agree with Darrin, when I pulled one out of the freezer and boiled it, it really did come very close to fresh off the smoker.
Like others said, if it's just for a coupla days I woulda just fridged it. If it's going to be more than a few days, but less than a few weeks I'll freeze just using a ziplock freezer bag. If it's longer than that, I'd do foodsaver bags. Foodsaver rocks!
Leftovers, What that? I would like to get me a food saver just in case I ever have any. Seems like I get new friends every time the smoker fires up!
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