Butcher Paper



TVWBB Super Fan
I simply do not smoke that many briskets to purchase a $40 roll of pink butcher paper. We have this brown thin paper in our shipping area that I have always wondered if it would do the trick. Has anyone used brown paper like this on their briskets? There is no coating on this.

I noticed they are selling small rolls on amazon now. It mat still be around 40 bucks. There's no telling if that packing paper is food grade.
I noticed they are selling small rolls on amazon now. It mat still be around 40 bucks. There's no telling if that packing paper is food grade.

One of the regulars, I think it might be Bob C, bought a lifetime supply & offered to ship some to someone.......... I'm in the same boat - I'd like to get some but I don't need a lifetime supply
I bought a big roll of pink paper.
Would be willing to sub-divide since I've used up at least 7 of my 9 lives.
pm if interested. Cost + shipping.
Not giving it away.

