Broke out the Wolf



TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
Such a wonderful afternoon yesterday (61 deg) went on a nice 2 mile hike, then came home and decided to do a almost deep cleaning on the Genesis and the Wolf. Then thinking about that delicious prime rib eye I had in the fridge, some crimini waiting for their turn with some EVOO, and fresh garlic. So while I was burning off some residue on the grates I decided the Wolf would be pressed into service for the cast iron pan and shrooms, and the reverse seared ribeye. That and a delightful beverage (12 yo scotch on the rocks), wife made home made bread (an experiment with my blood sugar using European/Italian grown flour with no glyphosate residue) we had a wonderful supper.


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Looks really good Larry. Been warm here also but really windy. Spent a couple of hours cleaning up the back yard and patio two days ago, now it looks just like it did because of the wind.:(
I would like to cook on a high-end grill like that sometime to know what I am missing.
Or, then again, maybe not. Hmm?
I would like to cook on a high-end grill like that sometime to know what I am missing.
Or, then again, maybe not. Hmm?
You may find the characteristics are a little "weird". I.E., the Wolf is designed to cook hotter at the front than the rear. So even if searing on full blast there is a slight "safety zone" to the rear without touching the controls. Also each burner needs to be lit individually. So it's not nearly as easy to use as a Weber with crossover (though the newest Genesis grills deleted this feature). Cost of parts is another thing hard to swallow. I need to find control knobs as they're a little weather beaten and I am missing 2. Cost is a whopping $25 ea! One thing I absolutely love though is absolutely no corrosion is allowed anywhere. Every piece of it including the cart and it's framework is 304 SS. So it's easy to clean. Some ammonia and a scotch brite are all you need along with some towels. Even if you resort to oven cleaner no worry about corroding anything or discoloration either.
It is BIG and it is HEAVY though. So big and so heavy that even when disassembled it takes 2 strong people to remove it from the deck. But it's really quite versatile as well. So with all it's faults I do love it
Such a wonderful afternoon yesterday (61 deg) went on a nice 2 mile hike

Larry, I never did hear if you got that big 12" snow a week or so ago. We got almost nothing up here. While it only got to the low 50's here yesterday, it got a good start to melting off the snow cover we do have and the next 10 day forecast looks like things should be all but clear up here after that.
What a beautiful day! Your cook looks delicious, and the bread sounds divine. If you care to do it, I would be interested in a follow-up on your findings with the flour/bread and your blood sugar.
Delicious looking cook, Larry. Those steaks are mouth-watering.

How did the bread turn out? Was it better for your blood sugar?
So Bruce barely a dusting. The actual storm tracked way south of us and caused some lake effect in Indiana and along the south shore of Chicago. But out here. Nothing
KE just like I have been finding when I make pasta from this flour the bread did not negatively affect my sugar readings. They were quite normal this AM. Certainly nothing like if I had eaten something with flour gown here. I came across this phenomena while reading up on my type II diabetes and also other maladies like gluten intolerance, celiac disease and so on. Seems scientists are now seeing a direct relation to the presence of Glyphosate residue on American grown crops (AKA Rondup AKA Agent Orange). So not to mention what a horrid toxin the stuff is it's also seemingly an issue in these other maladies. Not to mention a carcinogen. I have a friend who is a Vietnam Combat vet, was exposed to that crap and about a 2 years ago developed lung cancer even though he never in his life touched smokes of any kind. Yet our illustrious leaders say it's fine to use on our food crops! So my results are becoming of interest not only to me but my Endocrinologist as well

