Broilmaster (first one) Finally Done!

Little late to the party but great job on the grill Jon. You were able to put lipstick on a pig, just kidding, really does look nice with the homemade handle. :D
Be interested in what you think of it's grilling capabilities.
Road trip Jon? :cool:

Mercy, no! But that is a cool old relic. The “seller” is wrong because they still pretty much are making them the same 30+ years later! If you were so inclined you could probably bring it back to good as new. This is another way they are like the classic Webers.
Second Broilmaster DONE and SOLD!!!! Yipee!!!!

In spite of way too many jobs, honeydos, etc. I did finally finish my second Broilmaster and I already have it sold:D!

This is hardly a restoration. I just replaced the parts I scavenged from this nice grill to rebuild my first Broilmaster shown earlier in this thread. Looks like I will get to keep that one:o!

This one is essentially all-new. About the only things not new are the cart (almost perfect, 304 stainless and hard plastic), the high temp plastic fold-up front table, and the upper stainless fold-out warming tray. I am including a full tank, new cover (bought mostly with Amazon points), a new wood scraper Bruce helped me get at a bargain, a new set of Broilmaster ceramic tiles for heat diffusion and the original owner's manual. Selling price is $500:





I also have a pretty committed buyer for my larger Broilmaster, if I ever can get it done. So, hopefully I will have accomplished my goal, when all this is done and said, of having a nice smaller size Broilmaster with wonderful stainless grates at little or no cost.
$500 for that guy. Wow. Very nice indeed. I think the wood scraper was what put it over the top. :D
It's about time he sold one! Just kidding.

Yeah, I deserve it. But things are changing; I am not picking up anything else unless it is close by and an extraordinary deal. Meanwhile, I am at least getting my "micro-shop" (a small shed, now with 2 Harbor Freight $99 tool carts:D) organized. I have a kettle about ready and a buyer lined up. After the Broilmaster 3, I am going to finally do a classic Genesis. Also looks like I have someone in line for my Q3200:( once I can get it cleaned up and ready. And, finally, I have a E-W Genesis 300 for which I finally got some more stainless parts from my sheet metal friend. So just maybe, I will be a flipper after all! (That is if I don't get bogged down with my Skyline and two 26" flat top kettles sitting in my yard:eek:..)
How the heck can they be selling aluminum mushrooms for $1400?

That’s their problem. There is a downside to all US manufacturing and using all high-grade stainless (except the burner which is cheaper stainless and made in Taiwan). This is what we say we want, but are we willing to pay? I think they have decided to accept being a low-volume producer and selling to a limited market who don’t see the high price as an obstacle. With some reasonable care about the only things you would have to replace now and then are the burner and the label on the front. Almost nothing to rust out.

I do think that an update/restyle and some serious advertising might improve their market share. They apparently don’t have the capital or don’t see a need. A lot of their customers seem to like that they have a kind of a timeless design that you can still support with parts, etc. decades later.
Yep at least unlike Weber you won't get left high and dry while under warranty by being told "yes your grill is under warranty and yes we SHOULD replace that part but so sorry we don't support your under warranty $1600 grill" So yes there is something to be said for a timeless design and at least someone who buys one won't hear the BS I heard from Weber
Sounds like a logical explanation. I suppose that if Weber stayed US and didn't try to compete with the Charbroils and Nexgrills that they would probably be charging similar prices for their Genesis line as well.
But they DO charge very high end $$$ for Chinese stuff they know will be obsolete in less than the warranty period
That’s their problem. There is a downside to all US manufacturing and using all high-grade stainless (except the burner which is cheaper stainless and made in Taiwan). This is what we say we want, but are we willing to pay? I think they have decided to accept being a low-volume producer and selling to a limited market who don’t see the high price as an obstacle. With some reasonable care about the only things you would have to replace now and then are the burner and the label on the front. Almost nothing to rust out.

I do think that an update/restyle and some serious advertising might improve their market share. They apparently don’t have the capital or don’t see a need. A lot of their customers seem to like that they have a kind of a timeless design that you can still support with parts, etc. decades later.

So the burner is cheaper grade stainless? That's really surprising. It looks like the replacement burner isn't cheap either at 70 to 80 bucks.
Well that's impressive. I assume that's to the original owner only? Otherwise there would be no need to sell the replacement burners at all.

