TVWBB Super Fan
smoked up 3 15lb briskets at 3.59 a lb from wally world for thanksgivings/friendsgivings...got expensive real fast...
Wegmans here in the North East has them for $6.79/LB at about 5LBs....I've never done one but I have been really wanting to...I think I might give it a go...
One of the many benefits of living in Texas is the price of brisket. Choice is under $3.00. Nice prime packers are under $4.00. In addition, H.E.B. supermarkets (everywhere down here) usually have a selection of 10 or more in each category.
Thought about doing a brisket this week but the prices are unbelievable. We are in AZ for winter (Tucson area) and the cheapest I could find was $6.29/lb at Costco. Safeway was $8.99/lb! I hadn't looked at briskets for awhile and was shocked at the price. Is it that way all over the country?