Brisket or's all good


Jeff R

Decided it was time for another brisket. Picked up a nice 12lb packer from Restaurant Depot. Best piece of brisket I have had to date. Will post my technique and timelines in another thread incase someone is on the fence about trying one. This one is almost already gone.

Here we are 3 hours in. Only peeked for your picture :)


Needed something to go with them, so I fired the kettle for some CIS taters


All sliced up and ready for the table


Call it done!


Even made burnt ends, but they were not ready in time for dinner.


Hope you enjoyed as much as we did. Brisket is now in the regular cook rotation.
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I haven't made a brisket in awhile, so your post only made me hungrier for one. Beautifully done.
Nice brisket, nice burnt ends. Seems like people are sometimes intimidated by a brisket, but following advice from Chris A and others in the forum, even my worst brisket was wonderful. Yours is way beyond wonderful!
I never often took the time for burnt ends, but, after one particular family gathering where relatives stood around the WSM picking them out of the pan, I make them routinely now. Yours look like mine. (Though, I need to get my temps up more for additional carmelization.) Well done.

