Brisket Help


Mark D. Anderson

TVWBB Member
So I've got a 14 lb brisket on the smoker and I think I'm through the stall. It's at 180 now but we're not going to eat for 5 hours or so.

I was thinking of foiling it until 205 and then into the cooler with some towels, but was concerned about being done too early.

Opinions? (Thanks in advance!)
Yup. Foil, some towels or an old blanket, then a cooler. You'll be shocked at how long it holds the heat.
If you foil it now, it will get done pretty quick. The biggest danger in foiling is overcooking. Start checking for doneness (probe, jiggle or flop) at 195-ish. When you take it off, let it sit open on the counter until the internal hits around 170 to stop the cooking, then foil it and into the cooler with blankets. It will keep for up to 4 hours.
At 180 you should be through the stall. If it seems like the temp is going up fairly steady I would let it go but wrapping is an option if you are worried about time. At 180 and wrapped with no liquid you will speed up the brisket and won't lose much in the way of texture. Your bark should be set.

