Brisket and Pork Shoulder same time on WSM 18



New member
Any problems doing both at the same time?

Is it ok to have one dripping on the other? WOuld you put foil on top of the top grate?
Would you put the brisket or the pork on the top rack?

I agree with Len. Some people think there are food safety reasons for wanting the pork on bottom but you are going to cook both meats well beyond where that would possibly matter. You definitely don't want to foil the top grate. That's just going to restrict air flow. My only consideration would be that I tend to put a sweeter rub on pork and salt and pepper brisket. But truthfully I doubt even that matters all that much.
I have done that a few times and it always turned out great. I always put the brisket on top since my former SIL was Jewish and even though I know he ate bacon, I wanted to honor his heritage. I love doing both proteins at once since it uses all the space on my WSM22 and makes for some great leftovers. Don't put any foil on the grates. As has been said, it will impede airflow. If you foil at the stall like I do, it won't make any difference about what is on top as you will have to remove the top grate to foil the protein on the lower grate is concerned. Good Luck.

I had some issues with the brisket in advance so I decided to do it on its own. (A bit of the top muscle fell off!). It actually ended up being brilliant. New WSM was running hot so it did it faster than I would ordinarily have liked (<4kg brisket done in around 6 hours). Wrapped in tinfoil and sweat in oven for a while. Delicious! The guests never had anything like it and it blew them away.

I decided in the end I would do the Pork Shoulder (which was prepped) for Pulled Pork. I cleaned the grate, re-fuelled and put it on. Was perfect.

I notice the middle section of the WSM is (VERY SLIGHTLY) not 100% flat ont he base and has the slightest of movement when I try. Is this normal, or just ignore?
You had success. How can u improve on perfection?

Personally, I'd leave it alone. You've found out its only esthetics.

