Brand new 36" Weber smoke fire pellet grill - $850 Not Mine

I have two thoughts and the second one is what's motivating me to share my opinion here. While I recognize and respect that others might, I would not be inclined to buy a "new" $1000 item from a prior owner just to save $150. Secondly, the ad is false advertising; it is not currently a $1,500 item and never was, not even with tax. That, alone, would keep me away from that seller.
It was not my intention too upset anybody on this forum with a Craigslist post.
I'll ask Chris to delete the post.
I don't see any reason to delete this post. I don't think it upsets anyone. We're all free to make our own judgments about the value of items listed on Craigslist. It's true that not everyone will be able to ascertain that the old price was $1199, not $1500, but if they're a smart shopper they will find it's $999 new at Lowe's or Amazon and they can decide for themselves whether buying a "new" grill for a savings of $149 is worth it to them.
@JeffG I was not at all upset that you posted the ad. Maybe my reply seemed harsh but if some uninformed individual found that ad through this thread and bought it because they thought they would save $650 I'd be upset at myself for not sharing feedback, lol.
I did not even know they dropped the price new to $999 for an EX6. I see no problem with the ad being posted either but I also see where B was coming from pointing out it was never near that price new. Without this thread would have no idea they changed the pricing on the 4 and 6 as Chris pointed out. So that is the value of these threads if someone new came here they just found out the price reduction maybe they were not ready to buy just yet before so as myself for example last time I looked at these the price was $999 and $1199.

I was in Lowes a few months ago and they had reduced the price on 2 EX6 floor models to $989 for some reason they had a few EX4 models which they did not lower the price on.

This is where also the danger of being an early adopter comes in, this thing has not even been out a year and Weber knocked the price down 16 percent and change. I would not be happy if I paid $1199 in February or later and now could buy it for $999 which is not exactly chump change plus I would have had to install all the fixes when now it appears I can buy one from Amazon that has them already installed.
That is a good point. Some of these places like an Ace Hardware that don't sell a whole lot will have some older stock on the floor and they will not have all the updates like places that move many more units per week. And, I am guessing buyers won't be expecting to have to go through the hassle of installing updates once they figure out their grill isn't working optimally.
These are like anything else. I would never by a vehicle in the first year or two of it's model production run. I bought my 2013 Chevy Silverado in July of 2013. There were already new 2014 models out hitting the floor that had a significant change in technology and parts. I could have gone that route very easily, but preferred the old 7 year run on the later model. Those first couple years had many recalls. My 2013 has had none.
I did not even know they dropped the price new to $999 for an EX6. I see no problem with the ad being posted either but I also see where B was coming from pointing out it was never near that price new. Without this thread would have no idea they changed the pricing on the 4 and 6 as Chris pointed out. So that is the value of these threads if someone new came here they just found out the price reduction maybe they were not ready to buy just yet before so as myself for example last time I looked at these the price was $999 and $1199.

I was in Lowes a few months ago and they had reduced the price on 2 EX6 floor models to $989 for some reason they had a few EX4 models which they did not lower the price on.

This is where also the danger of being an early adopter comes in, this thing has not even been out a year and Weber knocked the price down 16 percent and change. I would not be happy if I paid $1199 in February or later and now could buy it for $999 which is not exactly chump change plus I would have had to install all the fixes when now it appears I can buy one from Amazon that has them already installed.
Weber gave anyone who asked including me the $200 back. Now that’s customer service!!
Some of these places like an Ace Hardware...
I know of a couple of Ace Hardwares that have not even touched SmokeFire. They've got Weber for gas grills and the occasional charcoal grill, Traeger for pellet grills, and BGE for ceramic grills. Good luck finding a SmokeFire or Summit Kamado at some of these locations.

