Bought a Genesis 1000 - having extreme difficulty with the regulator and hose.


And now it's a moot point...not sure if this was the original hardware or not, but my grill had thumbscrews for the two connections outside the grill box...and after several days of soaking in rust remover, I finally got one to turn - except, it turns out it was only the head that was turning. Snapped right off. Now I'm left with the screw or bolt or whatever it is still connecting the manifold to the grill box, but literally nothing to grab it with.
Very common Dave. Extremely common. Those thumb screws were probably threaded into the cook box, so punching them out would be a last resort. Drilling them out is the best way I know of. But you need a very good bit, or better yet, one of these to do it.

Grind off the bolt so it is flush and flat with the cook box, then center punch it and drill it out. The other option is pounding it out with a punch, but we won't get into the plus and minuses of that unless drilling it out won't work for you.
And now it's a moot point...not sure if this was the original hardware or not, but my grill had thumbscrews for the two connections outside the grill box...and after several days of soaking in rust remover, I finally got one to turn - except, it turns out it was only the head that was turning. Snapped right off. Now I'm left with the screw or bolt or whatever it is still connecting the manifold to the grill box, but literally nothing to grab it with.
I’m not sure what kind of tools you have but you might also want to try soaking it in some penetrating oil letting it sit and soak then try breaking it loose. Also you can try heating it up with a torch to expand the metal around it. You could also try getting the correct open end wrench then slipping a pipe over the wrench for more leverage and if it snaps then drill it out like Bruce explained.
I’m not sure what kind of tools you have but you might also want to try soaking it in some penetrating oil letting it sit and soak then try breaking it loose. Also you can try heating it up with a torch to expand the metal around it. You could also try getting the correct open end wrench then slipping a pipe over the wrench for more leverage and if it snaps then drill it out like Bruce explained.

Yeah...too late for that unfortunately. Heads snapped right off. Going to have to go out and buy a screw extractor kit and hope for the best, but given just how stuck those things are, I'm a little pessimistic that I'll even be able to get them out with something like that. Thankfully, at the moment the burners work okay - it's just going to make cleaning the box properly a bit more of a project than I hoped (have to go buy steel wool now instead of just using the wire wheel, for example).
Dave, I just finished parting out about a dozen Genesis grills. Probably half had the screw frozen in the box. Center punching them and pounding out the ones that were not threaded into the box worked well. But the ones that are threaded into the box require drilling out or using an Easy Out screw extractor like you mention. Heating the area up with a propane torch often works wonders.
After sourcing parts from multiple different places (and the weather finally getting above freezing), I was able to fire this up for the first time last night. Some initial observations:

-These things get hot, fast! I started it with all burners on high to kind of sanitize things further - it was already at 400 within a couple minutes.
-The surface area sure seems bigger when there's no food on it. Good thing I'm only cooking for two!
-I have to look at the manifold assembly - I can't get the lowest burner knob to spin back to the off position without putting one hand on the bottom of the manifold and pressing up.
-Missing a burner knob is going to get real old real fast. I promised myself I wouldn't buy a new one because I can just pop one knob back and forth as needed, but...yeah, might suck it up and put one oddball knew knob in with the two dirty old ones.
Are the manifold supports missing from your grill? There should be a wire or bracket holding the manifold up. It usually connects the manifold to the frame piece just above and to the left of it. If not, the knobs may be sitting a bit lower than they are supposed to.

What kind of knobs do you have. I probably have one I could spare.
If you're talking about the two flat bars that run between the burners and connect the bottom of the manifold to the lower portion of the grill box, then yeah, those are there. If there's supposed to be something else....well, there isn't. That's all I see down there.

Are the bottom of the knobs supposed to have any clearance over the control panel, or are they supposed to be touching it? Mine touch - no idea if that's supposed to be the case though, as this is my first ever Weber.
Here is a picture from under neath the grill showing the two "wires" that support the manifold. There maybe a "bracket" as well but it is was never attached to the manifold permanently and could have been lost.

If you are missing both, just use some house hold wire to support the bracket. I have used zip ties in the past.

DO NOT try to take the screws out at the left end of the burners. THey are NOT meant to be removed. You just take off the manifold and pull the burners out from the right side. You may have to coax them out from the screws, but the screws are just place holders and not meant to be removed.

Let's say I already removed those screws... What would that mean for my (first) genesis 1000 rehab?
Yup, those are definitely missing. I'll rig something up, be it old coat hangers or zip ties or something.
As Bruce said you can do that you need some support otherwise when pressing down the burner knobs starts to bend the brackets going into the firebox. Here is the picture of the bracket that was on the 1000's and unlike the ones Bruce pictured they were not attached to the manifold so easily lost.

Oh no is verboten. :D Yeah you can. Any screws like that if you're lucky enough to get them out use stainless steel ones and a product called NeverSeize. The plain old silver one is just fine.

