Bobby Flay - I take it all back!

I feel the same way---I cringe every time he has to say an Italian word! Juan Carlos Cruz is just as bad with Mexican ingredients. BUT..I'd like to try Mario's pizza. He's got 'em at Whole Foods/Fresh Fields. I want to get one and grill it, just to see!
Man, it seems you guys/ladies have a borderline un-health fascination with Bobby...kinda scary!!
I notice nobody mentions Paula. Anybody who has a recipe that has as a main ingredient 2 doz Krispy Kreme Donuts has to be from another planet....tom
I adore Paula Deen! On the other thread in Just Conversation (who would you like to hang out with) Paula is my numero uno! Why? Cuz she seems laid back and fat and happy and she has that great witchy cackle and her brother Bubba has that new oyster bar she's part owner of, and she hangs around motorcyclists and just seems so awfully nice.

Most folks said they'd like to hang out with everyone's favorite mad scientist Alton Brown. I love him, but I'd be more comfortable around her, methinks. Now, if I needed to build a food slicer out of a lawnmower, he's my guy, but for food (and booze! the lady likes booze!) it's Paul or the other nice rotund lady, the Barefoot Contessa (Ina Garten). Man, she always is fixing some strong drinks! And she's just who she is. And her husband cracks me up.

Otherwise, Tyler Florence or Wolfgang Puck (Wolfie seems verrrry funny and nice). Raichlen for sure! Gentle Pisces that he is.
Just give me one day with Bad Boy Tony Bourdain! Oh, he's my kinda guy! I think he'd tell you EXACTLY like he sees it.
OMG! Susan, where HAVE you been? He's the one who does the defunct show A Cook's Tour, and written the book Kitchen Confidential. You have to read that book. Even any non foodie has enjoyed it. My sister loved it.
Aha, that guy! Isn't that the book that will make me not want to eat mussels in a restaurant?

On edit: just saw his picture. I saw him last month at four or five in the morning on the food network, taking a bunch of chef's to san fran to eat at the French Laundry. And at Swan's Oyster Depot, and at some cool ice cream place that sells s stinky ice cream. I totally have to go to those places now! Fortuitously my best friend is moving to San Fran for a couple of years, so I reckon I'll have a chance. (More sad than fortuitous, but trying to make the best of it.)

On further edit: his show still pops up at 4 a.m. from time to time . Set your tivo!
Yes, they put his show on a 4 in the morning, so I never see it. When I get up at that hour, it's because I'm getting ready for work!

He is a fabulous writer, and his new cookbook "Les Halles", which is the name of his restaurant, is just as entertaining.
That's so funny! I thought Les Halles (the DC one) belonged to this dude Michel who's always there. I try to be there for their midnight first pouring of the year's beaujolais, and they do a funny waiter's race on Bastille day. Love their hangar steak and frittes and their cigar friendly bar, but I had the most repulsive foie gras I've even seen in my life there.
I believe Michel is the owner, Tony is co-owner, or maybe just the Executive Chef. I can't remember, but it's explained in Kitchen Confidential on how that all came about. I only knew of the NY location, wasn't aware of the DC one. I probably am misinformed.

But I know who would probably know - KEVIN KRUGER!!!
Actually Susan, I like Paula for the reasons you listed. Who knows, some day, when you least expect it, I may buy two dozen krispy kreme donuts. I haven't had one yet, but when you begin you might as well go all the way...tom
C'mon Tom, anyone who can make bread pudding with Krispy Kreme donuts can't be all bad! I love Paula's zest for ~ well ~ just about everything.
When I was a kid our school would sell Krispy Kreme doughnuts every friday or something after school, PLUS we had a local store that was close enough for field trips. Donuts were like a nickel apiece (or were they less? Maybe 2 cents!) Lord I sound old...!

Back then they offered a chocolate Krispy Kreme, but they don't make 'em anymore (they make a chocolate donut, but not a chocolate krispy kreme).

There's still a Krispy Kreme about 1/2 hour or so away. Just look for the neon sign that says HOT DONUTS NOW, cuz when it's lit that's your cue for the most heavenly treat imaginable!
I remember the first time I saw his show, I think he was in Rio de Janero, or maybe Sao Paulo...anyway, he was sitting on this beach. Great redneck tan (lower arms and head/neck baked, everything else white), obviously intoxicated, with a pack of marlboros sitting on the table. He was talking about something, I don't remember. At first, I was like, this guy is the host?! After listening to him for awhile, I thought he was really cool...problem is he never seems to come on (and I ain't getting up at 4 am)
He still smokes! Since he wasn't able to during his 20 course meal at the French Laundry, the wacky chef (who absolutely astounds Bourdain) made him a dessert that contained Marlboro tobacco. I kinda' want to try it!
Yes, he drinks, smokes and cusses just like we all would like to. You've just gotta read that book, he doesn't hold back anything.
Is there a barbecue question somethere in this thread?

I'm tired of all this Flay talk. Let's move on, folks.


