Bobby Flay - I take it all back!

We ended up eating at three places, one of which Kevin recommended, Bouchon in the Venetian. That was our favorite meal, and I ordered their roasted chicken. House specialty. It was outstanding, and I never order chicken in a restaurant! Bradley Ogden at Caesar's is a must try next time, he actually cooks there every night. All the other restaurants with big name chefs have others executing their recipes.
I was in Vegas in 85 and 87. I ate as this place both times i was there and it was heaven. IIRC it was called The Alpine or Alpine something. It looked like it belonged in the Alps or something. Not sure but i think it was a German or maybe Swiss resturant. All i know is that the steak i got both times there was too die for. Man it was good. Best ever with Morton's a close second.
Yep that was the place. I remember walking into it looked like a house from the outside and you walked up stairs to the second floor where the dinning room was. I did a Google search and yes sadly found out that it's no longer there. Bummer
I read the article. I think Alissa needs to stop holding back. I mean, she seems afraid of hurting Bobby's feelings. Gee, if she has something to say, she should just spit it out for cryin out loud!

Ok, this has gone too far. Just what does A. Rowinsky mean by 'rusty Weber on the patio'?
Kevin, that term of art just killed me! Worried it was a little 'blue' for this board, but definitely going into my memory bank.
Loren-- Brava!

Jeff-- Yes, I frowned a bit when I came to that line.

Susan-- I am the guy you can tell the best joke to, I'll swear I'll remember it and then when I want to tell it--poof--it's gone. But that word I'll remember.
Whoops, forgot smiley face on the above post, I was just joking. Rant away at Mr. Flay!
I dunno Steve, I have all the keys to my client's houses, and the codes to their alarm systems. If that doesn't spell 'trust', I don't know what does!
The funniest thing I saw was when BF almost electrocuted himself on the Iron Chef. He got soo mad.

Rath *not a Flay fan*
He's by far the funnest chef to hate. Well, him and Emeril, blech!

Some site had a great line about Flay: "Never since Jamie Oliver has a face been more punchable..." or something along those lines. I don't actually want to punch Oliver, tho...

I'm shocked at how many people hate Molto Mario (Mario Batali) and the Barefoot Contessa! Mario does sound a bit condescending when he's explaining stuff to his guests, as does Juan Carlos Cruz (the calorie commando) but I've gotten used to his style. My beef with Mario (who is mighty knowledgeable, and who I think cooks real-time, like Rachel Ray, for the most part) is that he's always making icky stuff, like rabbit (yeah, I know there are bunny fans on this board. I et one myself in Berlin once...).

Sandra Lee is useless (she's the semi-homemade amazon)---she's a rib parboiler, for one! I loved Rachel Ray until my sister pointed out her non-stop chattering, and then she got on my nerves, but I'm back to liking her 30 minute meals (not so hot on $40/day and have never watched that celebrity show of hers, zzzzzzz). Sarah Moulton Howe doesn't have much ooomph to her, but her show is watchable as she usually has some great featured person or recipe, and she WAS after all an intern of Julia Child's back in the day. Love Tyler Florence (I hear he's genuinely nice) tho Jac (that blonde chick on How to Boil Water) is grating. I like Michael Chiarello's recipes, but he also has a sort of cold affect. Just not much oomph there either. I like George Stella (the low carb and loving it) guy and his family. And I like Martha Stewart (tho what do I do with my "Free Martha" shirts now?). And I love love love Raichlen.

Yet the best remains David Rosengarten (gone from Food Network but not forgotten).
I agree on what you are saying about Mario and him being condescending. I noticed that too. Plus his Italian pronunciation his getting worse - sorry can't help myself.
Time to go back to Borgo Capanne, Mario! (See his bio for more info: )

