Blackened Salmon


Matt Rector

Chinook fishing in the Channel again. This time, I got lucky, a 15 pound hen.

I love these shots where you can see those veins of good fat in there.

Rubbed in some fresh garlic before seasoning it.

The CI heating up. A couple russets, rubbed with EVOO and sea salt.

Something while I wait.

This is where the epic fail came in. Just as I put the fish in the CI, and grabbed my phone to take the picture, the battery died. I can't believe I missed the picture of that sear, with the smoke rolling off it, and the fish sizzling up a storm. Oh well, plugged the phone in and charged it enough to catch it finishing indirect.

Veggies with EVOO, sea salt, pepper.

The plate.

Thanks for looking!
The spring Chinook run will last for another couple weeks. I only have time to go out, maybe once more. Then you guys won't have to endure more Salmon posts for awhile.
However, then there is the summer Steelhead run!

