Black flakes falling off inner lid of WSM


Joe P

TVWBB Member
Did my first overnighter on the weekend, two 8 lb picnics. The next morning I noticed some flakey (black flakes) things falling off the lid and onto the pork. I was able to brush them off and give the lid a good shake. This seemed to work.

Has anyone had the flaking experience before?

I did notice I did a poor job foiling the pan and water was finding its way onto the coals. Could this have contributed to the flakes?
The flakes are pretty much normal with the charcoal webers. Just wipe/brush off the loose stuff and don't worry about it.
Its not paint, just a result of the smoke and grease resulting from the cooking. It also occurs, mabe more so, on the lid of Weber gassers. With the WSM, just wipe down with a paper towel after using and/or brush off, not over the grate
, after its cooled down or before reuse.

Joe, I had the same problem. Started washing the interior of the dome and using a scrunge pad after every cook. Haven't had the flakes reoccur since.
Do you have a power washer? It will make short work of it! Most times, mine doesn't flake until it cools off and dries up, then it turns brown and flakes all over the place.
Got respect for you Paul. Last thing I want to do is clean that dome after every use lol. I don't even change the foil that catches the drippings 'til the next day, or so.
Flakes are normal. I just make sure to check before the cook and brush the lid with a nylon brush if there are any flakes and have never had a problem (since the first and only time the flakes fell on the food
I have considered power washing too but have a 3" Trend thermometer in the dome. Can water get into the face and cause condensation under the glass?
How would you keep the power washer from blowing the lid across the yard? It would seem to me a power washer might be a little bit much, but it would likely do a great job of busting any carbonized stuff loose.
Thanks for all the helpful info on the flakes. I guess I've used my WSM enough to accumulate a good bit of smoke on the under lid. I will clean it next time before my next smoke.

Joe P
Originally posted by David W.:
How would you keep the power washer from blowing the lid across the yard? It would seem to me a power washer might be a little bit much, but it would likely do a great job of busting any carbonized stuff loose.

Others here use one, so I hope they will chime in. I don't use one, but use Greased Lightning to soak it, then use a garden hose with one of those dial handles that has a stong stream on it. It takes several soakings, but comes clean.
Bob, get a piece of 1 X 2 lumber and slip it thru the handle. Then screw or nail both ends to a fence to hold it in place.

Don't wear any good clothes though cause the spray comes right back at 'ya!

