Birthday Dinner


Rolf Jacobsen

TVWBB Emerald Member
While not as famous as some others, (Mr. Lampe :)), it was my son's birthday. He asked for his favorite so I tried to oblige. Start with the veggies. Reds with EVOO, pepper and garlic salt.


Next up some Gus.........

The main event.... Rib Eyes

The ever present "Helper"


Plated. He said he liked everything so I'm a proud/happy dad........

If today is your birthday, I wish you the very, very best! Thanks for looking!
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Wonderful looking meal, Rolf, and certainly a good one for birthday boy! Happy birthday to your son!
Nicely done, Rolf..!!! Great pics. Every bit of that meal is on the money. I'm sure it was mighty tasty!

A very Happy Birthday to your son. Hope you all enjoyed his special day!

Your son has a birth date encoded that he will be very good griller (never mind that not as well known here as JL). I think he could be like his dad. Beautiful Birthday Dinner Rolf.
I know the feeling you had when your son asked for his birthday meal to be made by you. My two kids, and most of my other family members ask me to cook for their birthdays and I'm always sooo proud.

Great cook and happy birthday to your son!
Happy Birthday To Rolf's son! and a VERY Happy Birthday DINNER with those OUTSTANDING Ribeyes!!
Rolf, Great Grillin' man! I'm comin' over NEXT year for those!
Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! To your son and you fine sir! Everyone should be so blessed to have a Dad like you! Great looking birthday meal all the way around. You've been busy this weekend huh?

