Birthday butts


Mike M

TVWBB Member
I'm smoking 3 butts for my baby girl's first birthday party. They're trimmed, injected, rubbed and went on my 22 WSM 15 minutes ago. Now I need some coffee. Pics to follow
Foiled the butts at the five hour mark. Smokers been holding right around 275 all morning. I can't seem to get pics uploaded from my phone, but they'll be up soon!
Well the pulled pork from the birthday butts was a huge hit! In typical fashion, I made way too much, so I took one entire tray of meat to work for my coworkers to eat. I was surprised at how fast the meat cooked....I expected a 12 hour cook and they were done in about 8.5.
Finally able to get some pics up!!!







Serious smoke ring. I'm wondering about foiling earlier on too actually...

I was pleased with the smoke ring as well as the flavor from the bark. And since I foiled after only about 5 hours, the bark wasn't too thick or hard, so there weren't any unpleasant hard bits in with the rest of the meat after it was pulled. Last time I did a pork butt, I didn't foil at all, and the bark was really tough to bite into.
I don't know what looks better, nicely cooked pulled pork, or nicely cooked ribs. How about BOTH!!;) Nice job, Mike!!

Happy smokin':wsm:

I don't know what looks better, nicely cooked pulled pork, or nicely cooked ribs. How about BOTH!!;) Nice job, Mike!!

Happy smokin':wsm:


Thanks!!! I feel like I'm getting good at ribs and butts. My next meat to attempt is a whole brisket. Gonna try one in the next few weeks I hope!

