Bills / Chiefs cheap Tri Tip



TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I actually watched all four games this weekend, and of course I cheered my local team the 9ers. I thought all the games were pretty good, certainly well matched up. Anyway, I bought a cheap tri tip Saturday morning, dry brined it (salt) until Sunday morning, and since it was salt dry brined, I made up a low sodium rub. It came out really tasty, maybe a little tough but very tasty. I meant to pull it at 120, but I was cooking it during the Bills/Chiefs game, and got caught up in the game, so it got a little more kettle time than wanted. Need to come up with something for for a Go 9er's cook this coming Sunday, those Lions are pretty dang tough. Speaking of tough, Mr. Squirrel better watch out Miss Hawk has her eye on him


My wife’s son and his buddies were so loud I heard the, from three miles away! It was a good game between the Bucs and Lions, it’s been a long time since Detroit has made much of a sports wave. Lots of hangovers this morning. Next week will be very exciting, and NO one will be at work around the state Monday if the Lions win that one!
The boys all meet at a buddies house so, I don’t need to be the chef de cuisine over there, if I go, I will take something but, since I’m trying to quit smoking (14 days, yay!) and I know it will be thick as Pittsburgh in the ‘30’s! Better that I watch from my own couch.
Still think I should grill off something for my wife and I, maybe a nice piece of fish? Maybe a handful of appetizers, something will be sorted out.
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Don't try.

just do it.
Yesterday was tough but, a piece of toast got me through it, go figure! Last time I used pretzel sticks, about six were right for the period of time a smoke took. I’m working on it so far yesterday was the hardest one.
Now, as to what might be on table for the game next week? I will see what the store has to offer as a protein!
Yesterday was tough but, a piece of toast got me through it, go figure! Last time I used pretzel sticks, about six were right for the period of time a smoke took. I’m working on it so far yesterday was the hardest one.
Now, as to what might be on table for the game next week? I will see what the store has to offer as a protein!
You got this.

I was never a heavy smoker, but I quit 25 years ago. I've been a chronic gum-chewer ever since.

This sounds crazy, but the very day I quit I sucked on ice cubes when I had the urge.
I've always said that quitting smoking was easy...I've done it lots of times. This last time has been for 36 years, but there is not a shred of doubt in my mind that if I were to smoke a cigarette today, within two weeks I would be back to the pack and a half per day habit.

The hardest part for me was the psychological part, the urge part where you unconsciously reach for a smoke, or check your pockets to make sure you have a lighter before going anywhere. It's a habit, after all.

I always told myself that it was better to quit and fail than never to attempt to quit at all.

Some habits die hard. Those of us who have quit know what you are going through. Hang in there, Tim, we're all pulling for you.
Thanks guys, I have quit dozens of times. I have gone years, smoked for two weeks and stopped again, it’s sure as shootin” habit and mental commitment. I’ll quit then start again then quit again. I figure any I don’t smoke are better for me! I’m sure I’ll go through a streak now and then but, I’m sure going to try my best.

