Big Green Egg design


russ olin

TVWBB Platinum Member
Has anyone seen this Big Green Egg & Ice box design in one?
Perfect for those cold windy days. Lids are optional.

Lets get those burgers on boys, gonna be guud.
Order yours today. Redneck LOL
Kidding aside, I'm surprised that the " Throne BBQ " didn't explode.
Porcelain can only deal with extreme temps in short windows and you can see the tank is already cracked, and the bowl is probably ready to blow.
That's a lot of chit blowing your way.:p
(sorry bad day.. need a beer! )

"Does the bottle of Jack come with it? " I was thinking it was Don Eduardo tequila by the cap color and shape , got a bottle of it in the fridge, either way I imagine you'd have to be half gassed to try this.

