Best way to keep the bark "hard" during its resting stage ?


Carlos Gregory

TVWBB Member
I don't want to completely wrap up my Butt after I pull it off the smoker cause I want the bark to remain "hard/crispy".... should I just tent it with foil or simply leave it on my cutting board ?:confused:
I don't wrap in foil for that very reason. I think the foil traps steam and softens the bark. I let it rest on a cutting board unwrapped about half an hour to an hour then pull with gloved hands.
I foil mine after cook and notice that the bark does get softer after sitting wrapped up and even tented as it traps the steam/moisture. My family likes it softer when blended it so it works out in my situation but may not for those that like the crispy bark. I think Dwains way is about the only way to keep it crispy by not wrapping.
Turkey and chicken skin if made crispy smoking do the same and get soggy when wrapped..In that case I really want the crispy skin as does the family so no wrapping and just let sit on cutting board or on plate in oven ( off and not hot )
186 is pretty ggod. Check if it's soft by probing, and you can likely pull it. I've never found a problem with bark getting soft. After all, you don't want someone to break a tooth :rolleyes:! I find that wrapping them tenderizes the meat and nicely finished the cooking process.
I place a butt in a foil pan and tightly foil it at 160 degrees internal, then check periodically until ready to pull. I let it rest still foiled until it cools enough to handle.

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This Butt has been stuck at 186 for darn near three hours ! !@#$! But thanks for the advice all !

Pull that probe and do what Canada Mike suggests.. test for tender.
You're probe could of been in a fat pocket or close to a bone (if bone-in ) and can give false readings.:wsm:

Pulled the probe and tested the butt ....pulled easy. After resting it was very moist and fell apart without much effort on my part ever.All at 186 degrees

