Best time of the year to pick up discarded grills

I think spring is best, then late fall. Also, there seems to be a spike around big summer holiday's as well like Memorial Day and Independence Day. Oh and Fathers Day.
Not many free ones near me but a bunch of solid 500's and Silver A's at $40-50, all in the last week. Temps in the 70's brought everybody outside. I might have to cruise our neighborhood on garbage day - I saw a Silver A with a blue hood sitting in the weeds at a neighbor's when their gate was open. Not many of the late Silver A's style lid show up in colors around me.
More are appearing in central Indiana. Some great deals, others just dreaming. But definitely more active than a month ago.

I have a really nice Crimson kettle with a stainless grate and Slow N Sear for sale right now. It gets views but no inquiries. I see a number of decent, fairly priced charcoal grills that just don't seem to sell. Cheap gas grills seem to move best around here. Not an ideal market for flipping grills.:(
I am not a flipper like some of you but my GUESS is that in the spring, people get excited to grill again, and I would guess that is when people see the new grill at Costco or Ace Hardware or whatever and buy it, and then the old one gets thrown to the curb or maybe to Facebook if the owner thinks it has value. I mean I'm sure these new grill swaps happen all spring and summer and maybe into the fall but it is just my sense that spring is when more people "make a move" to buy a new one. Thats when they are going to be displayed in more stores, be in the Sunday paper circulars showcased on the front page, etc and so it is more top of mind.
I am not a flipper like some of you but my GUESS is that in the spring, people get excited to grill again, and I would guess that is when people see the new grill at Costco or Ace Hardware or whatever and buy it, and then the old one gets thrown to the curb or maybe to Facebook if the owner thinks it has value. I mean I'm sure these new grill swaps happen all spring and summer and maybe into the fall but it is just my sense that spring is when more people "make a move" to buy a new one. Thats when they are going to be displayed in more stores, be in the Sunday paper circulars showcased on the front page, etc and so it is more top of mind.
In my experience, people don't necessarily operate quite like this. Buying a new grill and kicking the old one to the curb are two different operations. I think sometimes they don't even buy a new grill. I got a nice grill from somebody that was obviously simply moving. Other old grills go to the curb with a bunch of other random stuff in some sort of a cleaning sweep.

So I guess I'm saying not to think so much about when people are looking to buy new grills, but look to when they are looking to tidy up their yards.
All of those are situations that I have seen with people getting rid of an old Weber. The point is that Spring is a prime time and what I consider the best time of the year to find one of the older Weber cast offs. There are other spikes through the summer and fall, but I think the big push is April and May, at least up north where we have 4 distinct seasons. It is probably a bit more spread out in the south however.
The start of vacation season, and the summer in general, has worked best for me here on Cape Cod. When the homes are opened up for the summer is when they tidy up.
I think it is true that every location has its own quirks. My favorite time to grill when I lived in Florida was November. I think the big box stores moved plenty of grills well into the fall, whereas here in Indiana they close down the displays after Labor Day.
Yah, even up here the fall is a good time as stores start moving to winter merchandize such as snow blowers and such. The put the left over summer items on clearance and many people jump after dealing with that Old cruddy grill all summer long and need to get rid of the old one. Others just know that they will be getting a new grill next year and don't want to have to deal with storing the old one all winter so they push it to the curb to get it out of the way.
It's twice per year where we have our beach house. The Borough facilitates two bulk trash pickup periods. First week in May and second-third week in September. Grills are put to the curb on schedule. With hundreds of places that are rental homes, the owners toss broken or dirty grills either before the summer season or after. It's how I scored this baby.20230213_092351.jpg
We want to see pictures😎!
Lol Jon … I have been looking for a lonnng time! Drove almost an hour one way but it was worth it. The frame is solid and the lid is spotless. The guy giving it away said someone came down a few days before me and changed his mind. Lucky me!


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Great pickup there! I hope you can give that one a new lease on life. Depending on the year it is either a Genesis XXI like I have or a Genesis Jr.


They look identical, just a name change. Yours could be an XXI given the older style wheels. EDIT: On the other hand you have the light colored knobs, so more likely it is from after the name change.

