Best time of the year to pick up discarded grills

I wish my area had one or two of those bulk trash days. Not only would it be convenient for us residents, but I would love to spend that afternoon cruising for discarded Webers.
Yah, they are unique to the Weber line up. That makes them desireable. Some say they don't cook well, but I imagine they do just fine for the average person. And if it is just going to be a museum piece, it really doesn't matter. My limited experience says they are good cooking grills though. Would a Silver A do just as well or better? Maybe/probably, but the silver A's are very plentiful and just not as "cool" as the JR's.
You are dead on! I love Edsels and Kaisers among other failed automobile offerings. I would love to own one, but I can't play in that league. I CAN, however, collect oddball, antique grills!

Cooking on a Jr..JPG

From our Upper Midwest Meet a couple years ago, where we inconclusively tested Dave Santana "rcplanebuyer" grates vs. GrillGrate. The one @Bruce got for me (with the kind help of his sister in Minneapolis) even has a rotisserie. With a deeper firebox and taller hood, I think for a small grill, this is a better rotisserie candidate than the later Silver, which itself CAN do rotisserie which I believe you have mentioned elsewhere. So, while mainly a cute "novelty grill" it isn't without any cooking merits.
Here's Gerry Schafer's wife Lisa, from when we were at the Meet, generously trying to appeal to my wife why I needed :ROFLMAO: this Jr. (turned out to be an "XXI"):

Larry, Definitely agree the Edsels were ugly! The ‘59 was a big improvement over the introductory’58 (looked a lot like a Pontiac), but by then it was too late. The rare 1960 Edsel was not much more than a rebadged Ford. They were also all poorly made. It is the story of corporate failure in spite of big dollars spent and the outrageous styling (1958) that makes them appealing to me and other nut cases!
Great pickup there! I hope you can give that one a new lease on life. Depending on the year it is either a Genesis XXI like I have or a Genesis Jr.

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They look identical, just a name change. Yours could be an XXI given the older style wheels. EDIT: On the other hand you have the light colored knobs, so more likely it is from after the name change.
That’s a beauty Jon.

I read that XXI thread awhile back. Lots of good info on these grills. I love this page!
Kaisers were OK, but Edsesls Just about the ugliest things on 4 wheels LOL
If I were single, this sad example of a very uncommon 1954 Kaiser Manhattan (a whopping $4,000 and my absolute favorite Kaiser) would be sitting in my garage - even if I could never afford to get it moving again or do much with it.

Kaiser Front View.jpg
Kasier Rear View.jpg

The better 1954 models, like this one, had a super-charger and the coolest dashboard since the 1948 Tucker. The picture is not good, but the speedometer wraps around the steering column and the controls are pull levers like airplanes of that era:

Kasier Inside.jpg

It would be so much fun to bring this cool old car back from the grave, but WAY beyond my skill set - A LOT harder than restoring a 1998 Summit!

Kaiser 1954 like new.jpg

Here's a good picture of what the dash was like - I love it! It was even padded, years ahead of dash safety by the big three.

Kaiser Interior Like New.jpg
Lol Jon … I have been looking for a lonnng time! Drove almost an hour one way but it was worth it. The frame is solid and the lid is spotless. The guy giving it away said someone came down a few days before me and changed his mind. Lucky me!
WOW!! what a sweet grill. She's a beauty.

