LMichaels says that Pro 285 is a downsized gas grill from their bigger units.
Well, isn't that what the man says he wanted to use on his small deck? The Weber Q grill looks like something that you would take to the park every Saturday. And it doesn't look as heavy built as the Napoleon unit. Where is the metal? You would never sell me a Weber Q over the Pro 285. You can get the lids higher on the 285, get chickens & what not in there much easier. Esp since it will be left on the patio full time. Shop wisely, I always do.
When I bought mine last spring I went over all these grill for a couple of months before I decided on the Napoleon. It doesn't matter to me what the brand name is on the unit. But alot of people on this site says that it has to be Weber, even if it is substandard to other units. To each his own.