Best/ Easieist Way To Clean Inside Stainless Hood


Dave in KC

I finally removed the rusted out inner liner of my Genesis Gold hood.
This is what is left behind.


What's the secret to cleaning this?
So far, stainless cleaner, nor the baking soda paste trick have
done nothing.
If you have some washing soda, a paste of that might do the trick. I also use oven cleaner on my stainless cook ware for really burnt on gook.

Edit to add; A lot of what I see there is discoloration from heat & I don't think anything can "fix" that.
I am not sure if it will work as well on SS as it does the porcelain coated hoods, but use some simple green or other cleaner and a razor blade scraper. On the porcelain hoods, I can usually get 90% off with the razor blade in a mater of 15 minutes or so. The rest I use Simple Green and Steel wool. I would stay away from steel wool on the stainless for sure though.

But, unless you are going to resell that thing, I wouldn't bother to even try to get it off. Maybe just a quick once over with a green scrubby. It is just going to turn black again after a few cooks.
Easy Off worked well for me on a similar Genesis 310 with a stainless hood with no heat shield. That stuff may be different than what I was dealing with, but give it a try. Everything just rolled off for me as if I was using paint stripper on old paint.
The Easy Off did ok, but not great. I have gotten the majority of it off combining Rustoleum Bug and Tar
Remover with baking soda and just scrubbing the dog out of it. This is a flip so, I want it standing tall and
looking good.
Try the razor blade scraper trick. It sure works wonders on the regular porcelain hoods.
Bruce, I use that also. However I feared the blade would scrach the stainless, and
in a small test area it in fact did (with very little pressure applied)
Dave, that is kind of what I was afraid of. Remind me to stick with porcelain hoods. LOL. Keep us posted on how you finally get it cleaned up.
Oven cleaner, razor blade scraper, 0000 steel wool works well for me. I just cleaned one a few days ago after I removed the inner liner.
Also baking soda and vinegar works well on some heat stains on SS.
It has serious rust issues. I originally thought it might break off in pieces but it did not. Luckily a few welds were broken already. From there, wearing some welders gloves and using vise grips, it was just about a 10 minute tug of war.
With a pair of channel lock pliers, I started on a corner where the nearest spot weld was already broken and started pulling (it helps to have the endcaps off as well).

Awesome job, Dave in KC.
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