Beer Can Chicken on a 14.5 WSM?



New member
Hey Everybody,

I am about to purchase a 14.5 WSM and was currious if it would be able to fit beer can chicken on the top rack or better yet one on each rack. I have several different kinds of beer can chicken holders. Any thoughts or suggestions?
I've cooked 6 (3 on top and 3 on bottom) in my 18.5, so I'd have to believe you could fit at least 2 (1 on top / 1 on bottom) and probably more
I got my stands at Home Depot, but I had to dent the bottom where the can goes, because I mostly use Coors Light, and the skinny can slid through the stand. The dent stopped that
The bottom rack of the 14.5 is about 5 inches below the top rack, you would have a squashed chicken IMO

the top rack may or may not allow you to put a beer can chicken on it, but I would say bottom rack no.

I have done several chickens in the 14.5 but always on their sides. I read a article debunking beer can chicken, can't remember where it was, but I find the whole chickens in the 14.5 on their sides to be great.

It a can chicken won't fit on the top I wouldn't worry about it, just cook it on it's side. the 14.5 is great.

picture from mini
Yep, nothin' wrong with cookin' a whole chicken breast up.
I accidentally placed one back up and it actually turned out out well.
Maybe the juices ran down into the breast that way....I need to try that again.

The 18.5" WSM has 7-1/2" between grates and a stand-up chicken on the lower grate will often touch the top grate.
I just finished doing the beer can chicken on my grill and I have to agree with the article. I had the same amount of beer in the can as when I started. Now I'm ****ed I wasted good beer, I wish I would have read the article before I started cooking tonight.
I found that removing the top grate and sticking two birds on the bottom one worked well. Agree with the article though. Unconvinced about the merits of the can, other than for stability. Will be cooking them horizontally in future.
Other than a novel presentation, the only real advantage to Beercan chicken is so you can fit more birds on a cooker.
I agree.
I read the myth-busting articles before I ever cooked a vertical chicken and as a result, I use just the rack.
Like the traditional horizontal approach as well.

