Been gone for awhile smoking a Butt in the a polar Vortex


Brian Cross

TVWBB Member
It’s cold here in SW Indiana today like a lot of places. 24 F with Snow on the ground. Forgot my password and finally had the gumption to make a new Password, and get back on here. I have a Butt going as we speak, and it should be done by 3 PM or so. I use my WSM all year long so this is no big deal. Going back to work tomorrow, and thought I would feed the guys the first day back! It feels good to be on here again! Peace
More ambition than I have smoking a butt today here in SW lower MI. It was 12 this morning! And the cold isn’t expected until the weekend! Right ńow it’s only 17 with wind chill of 11!
It’s February, nothing new.
That is the way to do it, welcome back! I just finished the last of the leftover butt I smoked on my WSM last weekend yesterday for lunch. Got to get another one going! There is just something special about eating grill/smoked food when it's cold outside.
Ontario here and its smoked chicken tacos tonight and smoked burgers tomorrow and smoked queso and wings on Sunday for the big race!
I like bbq too much to stop for a couple of months.
I have been trying to use the WSM more in the "Off Season", turkey at Christmas and Beef Short Ribs a few weeks later but that was around between 0 and -10. This temp I think I need some sort of insulation before I attempted it.
Ontario here and its smoked chicken tacos tonight and smoked burgers tomorrow and smoked queso and wings on Sunday for the big race!
I like bbq too much to stop for a couple of months.
Yeah, I have some BB ribs planed for Thursday, whole chicken Friday, and my first ever rib roast this Saturday. But my temps are not anything like Chris is talking about.
We were spoiled by a mild winter right up until about a week ago. The " feels like " is -15 to -17 Celsius for this weekend.
While I watch the PGA play tour in
The only downfall is it takes a bunch more fuel to keep that baby hot, and keep the temps up.
Everything to cook just needs to be a medium heat except for those wings on Sunday. Need to get a hopeful 500 on them for about 30 minutes to get the desired cook.
Keep cooking guys..!
Yeah, I have some BB ribs planed for Thursday, whole chicken Friday, and my first ever rib roast this Saturday. But my temps are not anything like Chris is talking about.
It just starting snowing here and we are supposed to get 2 to 4 inches in the next 24 hours. Hoping to do my first ever hot and fast bb ribs on the kettle tomorrow, we will see...
They are calling for snow 6 of the next 7 days... I am planning a lot of outdoor cooking in those 7 days so it looks like I will be fighting with the weather over the next week.
Michael, wind will be the biggest enemy but, I’m sure you know that. The better you can block that the happier you will be.

