Beef Jerky Question



TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
So yesterday was at Costco. Noticed bags of Snake River Farms Wagyu Beef Jerky. Piqued my curiosity. Lots of $$$ $14 for 10oz! So last night I reach in for a little piece of this "wondrous" delicacy :D And my hand pulls out this disgusting hunk of slime. It smelled fine (like BBQ) but was quite disgusting in appearance and "feel". I pulled out a few pieces and some had really "soggy portions" of the slice of meat. I'm thinking this is not normal? Since I have never bought or really ever consumed jerky in my life...................inquiring minds want to know. I am going to bring the bag of it back to Costco as whatever I was pulling out did not look like something I want to or should consume
While Waygu is known for its fat I always thought jerky is made with lean meats without any visible fat?
I should have took a photo of the disgusting blob. But honestly it was something that looked like Scott Tissue had a "breakthrough" :D and I could not wait to wipe it off my hand
While Waygu is known for its fat I always thought jerky is made with lean meats without any visible fat?
While I live in the home of SRF, I’ve never had their beef jerky. I agree with Timothy—whenever I make jerky, I use the leanest beef I can find. I can’t imagine Wagu falls into that category. The reason to use lean meat is so the fat doesn’t get rancid over time. Does the SRF jerky have anything added to prevent this rancidity or is it all natural? Also, does it seem to be smoked or is it dehydrated?
IDK on some the answers, because I was so disgusted at what came outta the bag looking like...........................well you know
IDK on some the answers, because I was so disgusted at what came outta the bag looking like...........................well you know
yes, like $#!+ and in my opinion, tastes like it to.
I bought a bag of that last year... tried a piece or two then tossed it out.

I have YET to find GOOD jerky that is mass produced (and actually done looking).
I think I MAY have tasted it once in my life from a friend who made some from venison. Well, I really dislike venison so it was a non starter for me. I saw Wagyu and thought "how bad could it be?" Well, I found out LOL
I have learned my lesson. Never again

