Beef and broccoli on the weber


Tony R

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Today was a beautiful day. I put some music and the first song was this one.....

La Raza by Kid Frost. Old school rap from 1990


Here's the video link if interested to see what I was listening too

Got some sirloin steak and the butcher cut in to strips. Next time I'm going to tell him to cut them ultra thin. The beef was tenderized with a tool that pokes a bunch of holes in the meat. Marinade was 3 tbs of soy sauce, 1/4 cup of hosin sauce. 1/4 water.


I used this packet also and followed the instructions.


Meat went on first... Used the weber wok


Then removed the beef and veggies went on


Then I combined and added the stir fry sauce packet and removed.

Here it is plated.


This was delicious. Will defiantly look ways to improve. Any suggestions are welcomed. :)

Here's an Instagram video of the wok in action

Thanks for stopping by

Tony and Maribel
That looks really good. My family loves stir fry. I don't have the wok setup but it is really cool. Nice meal!
Well don't worry, I'm not telling anyone ;) and it was a beautiful day indeed, especially after the stormy weather during the weekend.
Well don't worry, I'm not telling anyone ;) and it was a beautiful day indeed, especially after the stormy weather during the weekend.

I usually dont drink until Friday or the weekend. Playing with the wok got me excited.
Beef broccoli is one of my favorites try a drop or two of sesame oil to the marinade, really adds another level, just go easy with it to start a little goes a long way. Also Chinese 5 spice is a good addition also.
Looks Superb Mr T! Big fan of any wook. And to keep it simple some times overshine the 10-15 ingrediant wooks. i KNOW that was a great meal. How long clips can you put on instagram?
Looks Superb Mr T! Big fan of any wook. And to keep it simple some times overshine the 10-15 ingrediant wooks. i KNOW that was a great meal. How long clips can you put on instagram?

Only 15 seconds.
I have few followers from Europe and Australia. Their webers and accessories are different than the US.
You thinking of opening an account?
Na dont have time for another posting site...Feels like im stretching it as it is. But i always enjoy those clips,puts me in the mood if you know what i mean.
Very tasty! And I love that you're listening to Kid Frost. That's just awesome. Those Hip Hop Essentials cd's pop up on my pandora quite a bit too. Some real classics on there.

