BBQ Roll Call



TVWBB Diamond Member
Ed C. just left here, enjoyed a few Miller Lite's with him, he's going home to smoke chicken and a stuffed cabbage (sounded damn good) and I was curious, what are others doing tonight?

Myself, I started two big butts last night at 9:30 p.m. (Pacific Time) that are only at 169 and 161 and I've got some spares on as well here are some PICTURES. I'm preparing the Neely's Spicy Slaw right now and getting another Miller Lite out. So what you smoking tonight/this weekend?
2 butts over brisket
Not low and slow, but I think this counts. Two nice 1.5 inch ribeyes with roasted onions in a balsamic glaze and a ceasar salad. Yum!

Q'n, golf'n & grill'n....too many choices!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Not low and slow, but I think this counts. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sounds great to me!!! Onions w/balsamic glaze, very tasty!!!
Well, I spent the afternoon watching the Angels beat the Orioles
, and just sent the wife off for "Something Thick" to throw on the grill
Doing 2 6 Pound briskets, put them on at 7:45 pm had a bit of trouble keeping temp down was at 280 for a bit and now its down to 259

The meat temp is what worries me its already at 154 and its been only 2 hours! Is this normal?
This is my first brisket so I do not know what to expect
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Paul Sav:
Doing 2 6 Pound briskets, put them on at 7:45 pm had a bit of trouble keeping temp down was at 280 for a bit and now its down to 259

The meat temp is what worries me its already at 154 and its been only 2 hours! Is this normal?
This is my first brisket so I do not know what to expect </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

look at the cook progress here
no low and slow tonight(though the weather is perfect) just did some marinated boneless chicken breasts-giant sweet potatoes-corn on the cob all on the OTG. good eatin
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">look at the cook progress here </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Tony, went there between rounds of the fight and it goes to the brisket cook on this site. You might have bad link.
Hamburgers over hickory chunks burned down to charcoal. Excellent mild smokey flavor! Even the wife enjoyed the smoke flavor and granny raved about it.
I smoked two racks of spares and have a tri-tip roast going on in a little bit with a couple oak chunks. Enjoying a few Bud Lights, too.

Thanks to all who responded to the "roll call." As for me, the neighborhood first graders voted me "BBQ King." After grilling up a bunch of hotdogs for them last week they told me they "really liked ribs." So, not wanting to back down from a challenge I did some ribs (along with my monster butts) for them tonight. Based on their bbq sauce smeared faces I think my ribs passed the test. Believe it or not they just settled in for a second round of ribs. Bravo!!

Two thumbs up for the Neely's Spicy Slaw. Very tasty and we're definitely serving it at the SO's son's graduation party. Good stuff and I highly recommend.

One butt came off at 22 hours the other at about 23.5 hours. Here are some pictures of the final cook - PICTURES

UPDATE: So the First Grader BBQ King woke up to find his castle had been raided by a bunch of 12th graders who evidently liked the ribs too, no leftovers for me

I hope everyone had as a rewarding evening as I did. Go Jazz!!
i'm either making lunch or dinner for tommorow ........ depends on when the pork wants to finish

got them on a little after 8 - I wanted to get them on a couple hourse earlier, but the day didn't allow it

have the trusty costco cyro going right now - tommorrow I'll throw on a fattie to mix with some eggs for breakfast

i'll also have a round of ABTs and yukon golds ready to go

when all the low temp stuff is done and resting - i'll throw on 2 whole chickens to bbq

i'm also going to try my hand at making sauce for the first time - going with the #5 on the board

will keep me busy, but I'm pumped about it

met my neighbor down the street last weekend when he saw me struggling with a household emergency on his way home and decided to stop and lend a hand - tommorrow he'll get repaid with a tray of pulled pork, bbq chicken, ABTs, sauce and a 6 pack - although I'm definitely keeping most of the food for this guy

