Got a little side tracked there for a while. So, I just gave DH the book to find us a good recipe to use from it. So far, he has found 2 recipes that he wants to make real soon. Whoopeee!!!!! 1)Grilled Eggs With Prosciutto and Parmesan 2)Breakfast "Burgers".
That’s a winner!Just added one to my collection. Rodney Scott's World of BBQ. Beautiful hard cover edition and a great value.
That’s a winner!
Do you have Whole Hog BBQ by Sam Jones? Very similar with some good recipes.
I don't Jeff. Skimmed through the recipes in this book and they look great.
I'll check, but if I remember correct, I found the book a bit difficult to get into.Anne, would love to see more recipes from this book by Mike Mills. I have a copy of 2 of his recipes, Mike Mill's Magic Dust and Apple City Barbecue Sauce that I got out of one of my cooking mag. some years ago. Ever try them?