Baby Octopus, Fried Catfish/Swai and Plantains


Teddy J.

Last night's meal - grilled baby octopus, fried catfish and swai, and fried plantains.

First we partially fried some of the plantains and mashed them flat. The baby octopus was also prepped and soaked in two different marinades before going in the grill. One had black pepper, salt, red wine and lemon juice. The other had black pepper, fish sauce, soy sauce, paprika, fresh garlic, scallions, msg, and sweet sauce. Both of them also had about a teaspoon of olive oil.


Threw the octopus on the Jumbo Joe over direct heat, rotating constantly, you want to make sure you don't overcook these.


Just about ready to come off.


Catfish and swai going in the skillet. Since the board has me frying outdoors again, I forgot how nice it is to not worry about dropping grease or having it splatter and make a mess!


The plantains pictured above were fried indoors along with the sweet plantains.

Here's the plated pic, served family style.


Baby octopus with a couple sauces; spicy, and a sweet and sour.


Fried catfish and swai; one of the guys at the local seafood market I go to recommended swai since I like catfish so much. It was good, but the the texture almost reminded me of cod, which I'm not a big fan of.

Fried plantains.


Fried sweet plantains. These weren't quite as ripe as we would have liked, but still pretty tasty.


Best bite of the whole meal, sorta like the money muscle. :)


Thanks for reading.
That's a heck of a spread, Teddy! I'm with Chris (but on the West Coast), can't say I've seen fresh octopus 'round here! I wish I had a plate of all that goodness.
That crispy bite of catfish looks incredible. Juicy and tender, but super crispy.

Octopus...over direct heat? You're a braver man than I. I'd find a way to mess that up. Looks delicious.

