Anyone have the link to the 26" Performer a member made?



New member
It was really nice metal work.

I'm thinking about getting one made for me too, just wanted to see some pictures again.
IDK if this is the same, but this is very good


Few different threads if you search around.

Mini-ranch is another cool option. That is what I'd like to do with my 26" rather than go the Performer style route.

This guy has some great ideas.


It was fabricated by the poster. The cart was all metal tubing, and it had a big aftermarket side burner installed.
Good find Jeff. I had a hunch it was Robert, but couldn't find it.

I wish Robert-R still posted on this thread, he had some great cooking skills and his metal fabrication skills were off the chain.
It took me awhile to find and I mentioned your name as one who could probably find the post.
Then I gave it one more try and found MY 26 Performer.

Robert defiantly raised the bar on the 26" Performer build.

Carry on..

