Anyone ever done smoked then fried ribs?

No,but we went to what turned out to be a not very good BBQ that had them as an appetizer. We tried some and they were NOT good. Just like the rest of the meal! The place closed down not long after and I think it's a Jimmy John's.
I have not tried this with ribs, but I have done it with pork chops and chicken, and then grilled ribeye.
I liked them all. So I will try it with some ribs this week. I think that I might like them too.
OMG yes, and try it!
I first got turned on to this at the covered bridge festival down in Indiana. Ribs were par smoked than fried in heavy CI cauldrons while using a pitch fork as a utensil.
Pretty cool and very tasty. I did try it a few times with my kettle and turkey fryer and loved it!
Now that I have a Big Easy Oil-less turkey fryer, I would try these again as a healthier alternative at my age.

the fry must put a nice crispy texture on them. and your'e using healthy oil , not bacon grease. I don't see why these wouldn't be good. I would try them for sure.

