Angus Brisket, 17 hour smoke w/ pics


Gary H. NJ

TVWBB Platinum Member
Sunday night into Monday smoked an Angus brisket, 15.34 lb untrimmed, $2.15/lb at Restaurant Depot. Used K comp minion method, had brisket on the WSM at 8:30 PM Sunday night. Within the hour, temps had settled in at 235-240*F (one bottom vent 30% open), thanks to handy windbreak. That old folding card table came in handy!
Trimmed, with a light rub, heavy on the black pepper.
Just before putting it on the smoker I hit the brisket with kosher salt and more rub.
8 AM Monday morning. The temps held well all night. I got up at 6 AM when the WSM temp had dropped to 198*F. About 10% of the coals were left. Added about 30 cold briquettes and opened all vents 100% for 15 minutes. Temps popped right back up.
Finished up at 1:30 PM. Foiled and placed it in cooler (with the 8 lb pork butt that had finished earlier). It stayed hot until dinner. Sliced and ready to eat, with burnt ends.Really was very pleased with the angus brisket. I’ve been using my WSM since August; with experience and the help of the good folks on this site, I feel I’ve gained confidence with each smoke. And, oh yeah, the brisket was delish!

That looks like heaven right there. Sounds like things went as planned, and the end product....priceless

Thanks for the pic's they tell a great story.
I'm getting ready to do a brisket soon for the first time.........I hope I can come close to those results. That looks deeeeelish.

Thanks for sharing!
No disrespect to anyone else who has posted brisket pics, but that plated pic was possibly the best (i.e. made me hungriest) I've seen.

Great work. I really should take a crack at brisket.
Thanks to all for the kind comments. As a relative newbie (started summer '09) I really appreciate the encouragement. Did I mention this was a no water w/foiled pan and foiled brick smoke? To all that haven't tried brisket yet...what are you waiting for? Super beefy and tender. Don't forget to use plenty of black pepper. Thanks again.
Seriously Gary, that look awesome. I bought my first 2 weeks ago and then the snow struck, and then struck again. My nice shady deck is still a foot deep in what was snow and is now ice, so it looks like I will have to wait a little longer.
Nice job Gary - Those are the kind of cooks that make you feel you did the right thing by going with the WSM. Outstanding. Thanks for sharing with pics. Bob

