Millennials I presume...I did not mean to say GC was going out of business or HAD gone out. Only that with that kind of lazy attitude by employees in general it is partly what drives people to simply turn to Amazon and the like.
I don't profess to know but I know they weren't boomers.Millennials I presume...
It’s more a general way of looking at life.I’m not clear on what John NJ’s “attitude” post has bearing on this. My attitude when entering a business is that the concept of business is to assist the potential client not greet them with disdain because they interrupted their viewing of Tik-Tok for exactly one minute to take my money for something which I spent fifteen minutes searching the disorganized stacks of product to find. By the time I leave, my attitude has become “Why didn’t I order it from Amazon!”
Sorry, Maybe I’m too old and cranky to get the Air Force’s take on attitude, I don’t fly enough
Yes the major grocery chain here. And thanks to them how I contracted a serious case of food poisoning from salmon.
No, Indiana. They have, apparently, a rather large customer area and smaller sections and of course a huge warehouse.Isn't Sweetwater based down in GA, Atlanta specifically? I thought there was a local tie-in with the term Sweetwater. I do know that Sweetwater Brewing down there makes some good stuff.
I can introduce you to…Sweetwater (the music company) is headquartered in Fort Wayne, Indiana. If I'm not mistaken. Bought a couple of guitars from them also. Great folks. But then again, I've never met anyone from Indiana that I didn't like.