And we wonder why brick and mortar stores fail

I’m not clear on what John NJ’s “attitude” post has bearing on this. My attitude when entering a business is that the concept of business is to assist the potential client not greet them with disdain because they interrupted their viewing of Tik-Tok for exactly one minute to take my money for something which I spent fifteen minutes searching the disorganized stacks of product to find. By the time I leave, my attitude has become “Why didn’t I order it from Amazon!”
Sorry, Maybe I’m too old and cranky to get the Air Force’s take on attitude, I don’t fly enough😉
I don't know if you've tried them yet or not but Sweetwater is a great place, at least it used to be, to order musical stuff from. I dont play anymore but I used them frequently
I’m not clear on what John NJ’s “attitude” post has bearing on this. My attitude when entering a business is that the concept of business is to assist the potential client not greet them with disdain because they interrupted their viewing of Tik-Tok for exactly one minute to take my money for something which I spent fifteen minutes searching the disorganized stacks of product to find. By the time I leave, my attitude has become “Why didn’t I order it from Amazon!”
Sorry, Maybe I’m too old and cranky to get the Air Force’s take on attitude, I don’t fly enough😉
It’s more a general way of looking at life.
My general outlook on life is,
God help me get through dealing with the tremendous apathy I seem to be surrounded by and, keep me from screaming out loud.
So far, it’s working pretty well, I’ve never been arrested!
+1 for They are always helpful, their selection is broad, and their prices/sales are worth following if your in the market for anything musical.
Apparently the manager of the particular Guitar Center doesn't care. I did send an email and all I got back from them was "we received your message". And I think too I need to clarify that this is not true of all branches of a company as this was not my first time in a GC
Last week, I completed the purchase of a broken mixer on FleaBay to rebuild and resell. The seller was not too far away and we made an appointment to meet after the purchase at Guitar Center in Algonquin IL. (and easy ride for the two of us) and since I wanted to look into a guitar they sell, and inquire of some information and the seller of the mixer wanted to look at a guitar for their daughter, I said great place to hook up. They got there a while before I did so had already shopped by the time I got there. We exchanged pleasantries, explaining how great the people in the store were and they went on their way. So I went in the store and the people in there were VERY helpful. Knowledgeable when asked about product(s) and very polite without being intrusive. Very different from my experience here in Rockford IL. So sure, much has to do I am sure with the atmosphere the manager(s) promote within the place of business.
So I really did not mean to disparage GC as a company it wasn't my intent. And I realized today it's perhaps how it may have come off.
If any of you are not familiar with Sweetwater, their gimmick is that they throw a handful of candy in with order when they ship it. We frequently do large orders from Sweetwater where I work (recently 2 1/2 pallets of Epiphone beginner guitars). Just the candy they throw in with the orders can add up to a surprising number of pounds by the time you open everything.
Isn't Sweetwater based down in GA, Atlanta specifically? I thought there was a local tie-in with the term Sweetwater. I do know that Sweetwater Brewing down there makes some good stuff.
There is a “Sweetwater” doughnut shop here (got some ink in “Saveur” magazine a few years back) Great doughnuts!
Sometimes, you do find a decent employee somewhere.
Sweetwater (the music company) is headquartered in Fort Wayne, Indiana. If I'm not mistaken. Bought a couple of guitars from them also. Great folks. But then again, I've never met anyone from Indiana that I didn't like.
Isn't Sweetwater based down in GA, Atlanta specifically? I thought there was a local tie-in with the term Sweetwater. I do know that Sweetwater Brewing down there makes some good stuff.
No, Indiana. They have, apparently, a rather large customer area and smaller sections and of course a huge warehouse.

