America's Test Kitchen best charcoal bbq's 2013

I wonder sometimes, why I spend $35 a year to subscribe to CI, and then find this posted on utube later....................of course, it has been no secret that they have cooked on a weber otg for a long time........................d
According to the Cook's Illustrated website, it's the Portable Kitchen Cast Aluminum Grill and Smoker - manufactured by Portable Kitchen ($300.00) - recommended "with reservations", BTW...

Thanks Rooster, I have seen that somewhere before, the reservations part is funny.
at 5:05, check out the lid handle on the 22"OTG.
someone must have dropped the lid...

Thanks Stuart!
I saw rid video yesterday and I'm happy that the results that prove weber is the best. It was funny that they show the ash catcher with big pieces of charcoal... Why wouldn't they wait until it ashed over..LOL
I saw rid video yesterday and I'm happy that the results that prove weber is the best. It was funny that they show the ash catcher with big pieces of charcoal... Why wouldn't they wait until it ashed over..LOL

I know, its almost like they just burned the charcoal right in the ash catcher, weird.Theres now way they would fit through the vents.
LOL I said the same thing to SWMBO when the showed that. LOL Their limit of $400 eliminated the ceramics. I wonder how they would stack up in such a side by side test.
What i cannot figure out is when they showed the performer ash catcher how did the full size ashed briquettes make it to the ash catcher? The best grill brand was never in question.
The Editor or Producer prolly added those into the pan. Maybe they thought most don't know what ash looks like, so they dumbed it down and made it obvious.


