Amazon/Uniflasy grate fit?

Lmichaels i appreciate the tips. I'll give it a try.

But I'll disagree it's not "real grilling". Even in the foil packets vegetables on my two old Weber grills imparts a slightly smoky grilled flavor totally different and superior to steaming or baking in the oven. Same for the fish in the grill mat. Both are still delicious.

IMO it's actually suggestive. Just like when the Dr. gives a placebo and the patient swears they feel better. How can any grilling "flavor" get inside of a foil packet? I'll lay odds of you took 2 identical packets of veg. Seasoned exactly the same and put one in the oven and one in the grill and did a blind taste you would never know the difference. The only thing that could give that test away is if you placed the packet on direct heat and the contents charred or burned a little in the packet (I have seen people do this to corn and swear it tastes "grilled"). Steaming is steaming and grilled is grilled. Either way if you like it that's fine but it's still just steaming. I admit I do it myself (though not in foil for health reasons I am not using aluminum as much as possible) I will throw in a stainless or cast iron pan with a lid. Another trick I use is parchment paper. When I do a "Texas Crutch" I'll wrap first in parchment and foil over to keep exposure to aluminum at a minimum or I'll use parchment only which WILL allow smoke flavor though and some steam to escape naturally but will keep in a little more juices. I do spare ribs in this manner at times. I do all kind of tricks but again I avoid foil like the plague. All anyone would have to do is see what it (aluminum exposure) possibly did to my mother and you'd understand
I do understand about Alzheimer's. I had an uncle i was close with that had the disease. And my wife's grandmother. Horrible for sure. But the International Alzheimer's association stance is that aluminium doesn't cause and is not a contributing factor in the disease. I'm a healthcare professional and knowing the liability involved in such a statement (if it were false) trust that assertion.
Regarding the flavor in foil packets of food on the grill vs oven being the same: I think that would be true if the foil packets were truly air tight. But they aren't at all. At least not way I do them.

We haven't gone so far as to do a blind taste test. But my wife and family have had them both ways and all agree that the vegetables are much better on the grill. Good enough for me.
I do understand about Alzheimer's. I had an uncle i was close with that had the disease. And my wife's grandmother. Horrible for sure. But the International Alzheimer's association stance is that aluminium doesn't cause and is not a contributing factor in the disease. I'm a healthcare professional and knowing the liability involved in such a statement (if it were false) trust that assertion.

Her own Drs attributed her condition to aluminum poisoning from cookware. BTW she did not have Alzheimer's. My entire family has sworn off direct food contact with aluminum. Because of what we learned from the doctors treating her. Over kill? I don't know. Maybe the damage is already done. Again I don't know. But given what we've learned we don't want to take chances with it. If you feel you get grilled "flavor" it's fine with me but I have done the test I told you and people could not tell. Just count me as one who hopes my brain doesn't glow on an XRay like my mom's did
ROTFLMAO sadly hers did. Dr. pointed it out and said it was aluminum deposits. She had another condition related to Parkinsin's he said it caused. Sadly one of the all time great Chicago Blackhawks has pretty much the same condition. Trust me it's horrible
Her own Drs attributed her condition to aluminum poisoning from cookware. BTW she did not have Alzheimer's. My entire family has sworn off direct food contact with aluminum. Because of what we learned from the doctors treating her. Over kill? I don't know. Maybe the damage is already done. Again I don't know. But given what we've learned we don't want to take chances with it. If you feel you get grilled "flavor" it's fine with me but I have done the test I told you and people could not tell. Just count me as one who hopes my brain doesn't glow on an XRay like my mom's did

I get it. We all take our own experiences and those of our family into account when it comes to our health. Heart disease and diabetes runs in my family. So I avoid added sugar and processed foods and exercise regularly. My father had a major heart attack and bypass surgery at 46. At this point at 58 I have no signs of the disease.
You guys are scaring me. I know about AZ. the wife's mom had it last 7 or 8 years of her life.. And right now, I am wearing a heart monitor.
So on my bbq grates I did a measurement this weekend they are a true 17 1/4 maybe a touch more and Bruce it was a typo saying my 1000 had 17 3/4 grates my 1000 has no bulges on the firebox so they fit perfectly. I have the stamped stainless from them and I have no problems cleaning them as my Weber grill brush is the one that has the bristles on the edges so I simply rub them up straight and down then turn it on the side to get in into the grooves.

I probably would have bought the solid rods Bruce posted if I had known about them at the time but the stamped do a real good sear on burgers, on chicken breasts not so much but again I kind of have my system down, heat to 550 for about 15 minutes clean the grates then cook. When I did the chicken not sure I did that but no matter on the weekends I only use the performer no issue with sear marks on the charcoal.

